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Filming Your Own Hunts.


Junior Member
Hopefully you guys can help me out here. I am going to start trying to film my own hunts (either this late season or next season) and i want your guys opinions on a few things. What is the best camera to use that is still cheap? I am planning on spending $200 -$500. Also whats a simple tree arm that works for you guys?
Now what pointers does anyone have to make filming my hunts successful? Thanks for any help you guys can give.


Staff member
Here's my pointer: Save your money and frustration. It ain't worth the frustration IMO.

Muddy makes a great camera arm. Been a while since I have looked at cameras, so I'm no help there. Check out Cambells Cameras site for cams and such.


Junior Member
I think my 1st few attempts will come from a ground blind of a corn pile. This should make it so i don't have to move the camera just turn it on a focus it.


Senior Member
Medina County
I got into this a couple years ago. I got an Oak Sturdy Arm(so,so) and a canon Vixia camera.

As for self filming, it is tough... I do find it enjoyable but I've told myself I will not risk loosing a buck kill due to the camera aspect. Last year I had my camera set up and didn't even touch it when my buck came in due to positioning and timing. This year was a different story.

Good luck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I bought an arm, a fluid head, and pretty decent camera. Never have taken the arm or fluid head out. I stuff the camera in my pocket. I film deer from a distance or take pictures. Enjoy the heck out of it. Guess I found I just enjoy doing that more than the thought of dragging extra stuff into the tree or risking getting busted moving around. I am out there for me. Not going to kid myself. No plans of trying to make any TV shows or anything so if I film some footage of a target buck it is just a bonus. I do use the camera a lot for road scouting, vacations, the kids' sports, etc. Probably take another go at filming if my kids find an interest in hunting. Right now, they have lost the interest.


Junior Member
hickslawns i agree with you. I want to film myself shooting a nice buck but it is not a have to. I just want something to be able to watch from time to time. Also, i want to get my dad on film shooting one i think that would be a blast. As far as tv shows, its tough to make tv with a face like this. lol Maybe i could do a radio show from the tree stand.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Smart phone and a mount too your bow??? Quick easy relatively inexpensive and most have the camera in their pockets already.....


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
I videoed for 8 years and let me tell you it's a pain the ass!!! I ran a canon xha1 with a 3rd arm pro extreme tree arm, manfrotto head and lanc controller. Its a lot of fun being able to recap your hunts and when everything comes together its one of the most rewarding things. The problem is being a full time hunter and camera man at the same time is TOUGH!!! I blew a lot of easy opportunities on 140"+ deer that would be on my wall right now if it wasn't for filming. $200-$500 is a pretty low budget but can be done. Buying a cheap camera will cost you that much, then you need a tree arm, fluid head, lanc controller, ect, ect, ect. This was the first year I wished I was still filming but its a lot of work lugging it all to the tree and setting up every time. It will take you several years to get good at it honestly, and if your a trophy hunter more like 4-5 years to make "good" footage! Best of luck to you. I'd start looking on eBay and forums for used stuff with your budget. A "cheap" budget for good equipment is close to $1-2k. Check out the canon hfs200 on ebay. Same lense size as a lot of prosumer cams and they sell around $300 +/-, muddy outdoors and 3rd arm make nice camera arms but you will have to buy a fluid head after that. Self filming you will NEED a Lanc controller so that your only filming with your thumb or you'll almost never make it happen in the tree.



*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
got out of it, and happy I did. Takes the fun right out of it. I'll sell you all my stuff if really want something good to begin with. Cannon HFs20, muddy arm, fluid head, remote, etc. I wont ever use it again. its collecting dust right now.