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Rutting Activity


Junior Member
Medina, Co.
I haven't seen much rutting activity yet myself, but hunters in my area (Northeast ohio) have began to see bucks chase. hows it been for everyone else??


Staff member
No sign here. Still early for the most part. Some does will come in early which will cause some chasing before normal time. Young bucks are also prone to dogging does before they are ready. Happens every year.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I had 5 bucks out in front of me tonight. 3 of the small ones were pushing each other around. The big boy would wander to them and they'd shy away. I did a snort wheeze and all 3 of the juveniles walked by me at 25 yards looking for a fight. The big boy just stood back watching


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Young bucks are feeling the change. Look at the road kill right now, it's mostly young bucks. They know they're supposed to do something, but they don't quite know what that something is. So they run around pushing does that don't want anything to do with them.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
No sign here. Still early for the most part. Some does will come in early which will cause some chasing before normal time. Young bucks are also prone to dogging does before they are ready. Happens every year.

I was thinking of asking a similar question. I agree, early season usually young buck stuff, but the few times we went out, I really haven't seen any juvenile activity. I did a little scouting and I didn't find any rubs at all and a few very small scraps where I have for years I find that activity. Its the same thing on 3 properties I hunt. I did collect over 300# of acorns on Sunday. So im hoping that helps to get the does into the area during the rut to keep the bucks in the area. Very odd season so far.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I have seen rutting activity only one time in my hunting career (6 seasons). I saw a small buck grunt and chase two does. That's it, that's all, so I don't expect to see anything this year either.


I have seen a couple bucks chasing does pretty hard, got pics of one of my shooters chasing this doe around the plot which is nice. Also when I was out at my new hunting spot my buddy was nice enough to take me to I saw 2 really nice shooter 8's chasing these does all around the place. I think things should really pick up in the next week or two but the does just aren't giving it up for another 2 weeks I'm guessing


Junior Member
I saw a 2.5 year old 8 chasing last night around 9pm on my drive home. This morning something spooked a doe across the road on my way to work. I think we are getting close and the last week of October will be pretty prime as always.
I believe the amount of rut activity one sees correlates with the terrain hunted. Guys that hunt larger food plots and ag fields will most likely see more activity than the guy hunting in the timber. I've only ever seen a buck chasing one time in the timber. When I used to hunt field edges I saw bucks dogging does fairly often.


Junior Member
Saw a 10 point scent checking the wind and sniffing a trail before the storms came through but lately just some does with no followers. Portage County


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Well, if it's any indication of the rut beginning. I've been driving back and forth to Columbus and the amount of deer being hit has increased dramatically. More bucks than does TOO!


Coshocton, OH
Sunday evening I was hunting with a buddy and he watched a 120 class 8 point push a doe around and was grunting. He said about a half hour later a dink basket rack was running a different doe hard all around him. This is in east central Ohio.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Took the tractor around the property Sunday and counted 38 rubs but the bucks are still in feeding mode a few pestering the does as they do every year this time.
Gave seen several scrapes also.Wont be long.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Hello. tonight report from a friend hunting Franklin county. He called in a few younger bucks with grunt and rattling techniques. So it's getting close... Cant wait for the big boys to get off the feed bag and nocturnal BS and start chasing does!!!