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I know!


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Well like I said, it was an interesting day. Saturday evening around 6 I got a call from a friend letting me know that he couldn't hunt during his weekend at the Izaak Walton league and asked if I wanted his spot. Hell yes!! Ive walked the property a few times but not enough to call it scouting. And that was a while ago. So I pull up the map on my phone and try to figure out where to go. There was already going to be one other guy out there, and I had a pretty good idea where he was going to be. So I picked the edge of a field in the middle of the property. Me and my BIL Chad were supposed to go out in the morning. Well, I had been watching the Notre Dame game and by the time I got the call I had drank my fair share. So at about 10 PM I told Chad that we would go in the afternoon. It would be hard enough trying to put up a blind in the dark, even harder since I don't know the property all that well. We ended up getting out there around 12:30 - 1:00. Found a place where we saw good signs, dropped a little bit of corn and set up the blind. About 30 minutes in I see another member of the Izaak Walton walking towards us in a bright orange jacket. He wasn't aware that we were going to be there, he wasn't even supposed to be out there since we were hunting but he needed to pull his trail camera. When he got home with his card, he told us what he had seen on it and told us where we should move our blind to. Since he has been with the club for so long we took his advice. I think he felt bad for walking up on us. He told us that around 6:30 we should see a few walking out this trail to where he had been putting some corn out. Well they were late. Showed up around 6:50 or so. The whole time before, I kept telling myself "Fundamentals". Anchor point, level, relax. Well that all went out the damn window. I felt good about the shot until afterwards. One deer came out. Seemed skiddish. Kept checking out the blind, then looking at the corn. Well I wanted to take the shot before she blew out. So I shot, THWACK, loud bleet, dropped on the spot. I thought oh shit, I spine shot her. Well come to find out my nerves got the best of me. I shot the deer in the damn throat. So Chad and I walked up and I put another arrow in her lungs. Turned around and went to get the truck. By the time we got back she had expired. Reached down to pull her off of the arrow and find out, its a damn button buck. Now I really feel like shit. At this point there is nothing I could do, so I drug him out onto the trail and gutted him. This is the first deer I have ever gutted. Little rough but I got it done with the help of my BIL Chad. Cleaned her up and dropped her off at the butcher shop around 9 pm last night. It feels good to finally be on the board but I think its time I step my game up a bit. Chad and I are going back out to that property sometime this week to scout and find a better spot for the blind. I get to hunt out there the week of thanksgiving so that will give the deer a little time to get acclimated to the blind.
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