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Should I be worried?


Okay guys, I have a feeder and a good group of food plots planted within 60 yards of each other and really don't want to hunt my old spot where the feeder is at because the stand is just in a bad spot now that I planted the food plot right behind it. The other problem is that I am getting all my day pics at the feeder and all the night pics at the plot, I want to hunt over the plot this year and was thinking about moving the feeder to the only tree in the whole plot which is exactly 57 yards from the current feeder location I am just worried if I move it they will not hit it at all and all my work will be gone. I was also thinking about making another feeder and putting it in the plot but I would rather only run one and kind of limit how much corn they eat and let them use the plot a little more. What would you guys do in my situation?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How often do you go in and fill the feeder? If weekly, I would probably just move the stand or hang an additional stand on my next visit. Do it in the rain and be done.

How much cover does the one tree offer? Can you access either of them quietly? Entry and access are my issues at the moment. I know roughly where my target buck is staying. Getting in/out of any stand unnoticed to kill him is the hard part for me.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I wouldn't mess with the feeder at all since you have deer going to it during the day. If it were me, if the bucks are hanging out by the feeder during the day that's where I would hunt or maybe a trail that leads to that from a bedding area. That's if you have a good way in and out. If so, hang a stand there. Leave your other stand where it is and maybe later in the year they will be showing up there more at the plot.

Like Phil said, if you can get in there during a rain and hang a stand while you top off your feeder then slip out that's what I would do.

I'm no expert but that's what I think I'd do in your situation. No way I would move that feeder the way you have big bucks coming to it in daylight.


thanks guys, i fill it once a week, i fill the feeder and dump 50 pounds in a pile in the plot so once the one runs out they come to the plot, i think i may just keep the stan where it is and try and hunt it very selectively and go in early and quiet and leave very quietly. It wouldnt be a bad stand if it wasnt right on the backside of the plot but i do have another trail i could enter from that doesn't disrupt the plot. I will try and take a pic next time I am back their of the stand spot and try and show you what i am talking about a little better. The plot may not be bad after thinking about it because they will be looking for green stuff later in the season and this will be a good spot due to all the turnips, oats, wheat, beans, and peas i have planted in the plots. Its just so weird that 50 yards makes such a difference to them even though there is much more of a variety in the plot. I even dumped 5 bushels of apples in the plot and stepped on 2 bushels to get the smell in the air and still nothing.
Just be aware hunting food sources, especially bait, is very difficult for morning hunts with what you have there. Not easy slipping in without blowing them out unless there is a larger food source elsewhere that they may be using.


Columbus, OH
Yea. I have hunting over dumped corn or apples in the early season. There was like 2-3 times I was walking to my stand in the dark and in the distance I could see my camera I have over the bait flashing because the deer was there. The stand I was heading towards was like 30yds from the camera. Like Big Holla said sometimes they will get blown out of the area for a while.


That is my concern, they seem to be coming in around 7 but the earliest I have is 6:17 so far so if I come in and set up around 5:30 I should be good, I think, I have a very nice soft pathway to take to the stand that makes for quiet entry. But say I am in my other stand and the bucks are at my feeder which is 77 yards away from my stand over my plot, what tactic would you use let's say in 2 cases, one on opening weak and one on October 22nd? Would you rattle or use a decoy with a for can or would you just hope and pray?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The earliest you have pics might be 6:17 but I just about bet they are in ear shot way before that time. I wouldn't move that feeder and I wouldn't add another feeder closer to the plot. Then you just screw both setups by doing the same thing. I wouldn't hunt morning instead I would focus on evening hunts only in the beginning of the season. Maybe around October 25th I would start hunting mornings and would be sitting on the edge of that plot and maybe add a decoy and some soft grunts and some rattling tossed in every once in awhile.


Staff member
The earliest you have pics might be 6:17 but I just about bet they are in ear shot way before that time. I wouldn't move that feeder and I wouldn't add another feeder closer to the plot. Then you just screw both setups by doing the same thing. I wouldn't hunt morning instead I would focus on evening hunts only in the beginning of the season. Maybe around October 25th I would start hunting mornings and would be sitting on the edge of that plot and maybe add a decoy and some soft grunts and some rattling tossed in every once in awhile.
Good advice here.


The earliest you have pics might be 6:17 but I just about bet they are in ear shot way before that time. I wouldn't move that feeder and I wouldn't add another feeder closer to the plot. Then you just screw both setups by doing the same thing. I wouldn't hunt morning instead I would focus on evening hunts only in the beginning of the season. Maybe around October 25th I would start hunting mornings and would be sitting on the edge of that plot and maybe add a decoy and some soft grunts and some rattling tossed in every once in awhile.

Thank you very much, this is awesome advice. I will make sure I do this. I was thinking a decoy in late October- the rut would be good because they may see it and smell the scent and it will draw them in. Or maybe tickle a rack together and maybe get their attention that way since it is a nice open part where they can challenge and chase does, thanks for the advice and I will make sure I keep you guys updated when I get up in the tree