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The Countdown

Dayumm, you guys are cutting the shit out of yourselves!! Those Slick Tricks are stupid sharp, even after using them for practice they still have an edge. Last fall I did the same after shooting one several dozen times, thought for sure it would be dull enough to unscrew by hand...nope!!


Staff member
Clothes are in the Rubbermaid closet smoking along with my bow, full quiver, boots and the rest of my gear. Sharpened my knife and made sure I had everything ready. Getting ready to head to the parade and rock out the first ever TOO parade "float"!!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That's the reason I added a couple broadhead wrenches in the BOX lmao. Makes it a lot easier and safer to put those heads on and take off lmao.

Never got nailed by any broadheads pulling them from targets knock on wood.

I think I might have another spare wrench or 2 so IF I find them I will bring them to Strouds.
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Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Its 2:30 and Im up. Why so early? Ugh, we have deer showing up at 430, don't wanna run em off, gotta do what ya gotta do. Ill get some sleep once I get in the blind I guess. Good luck to everyone. Stay safe. The countdown is over. The season is here.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Slept like an 8yr old on Christmas Eve. Yep. Up every hour or so. About to roll out now. Good luck to all! Be safe out there. And do yourself a favor: Check your tags before you leave. Thought I had mine bought with my license and folded up together. Nope. Just the license folded up. Glad I checked.