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Shooting my recurve


Senior Member

Struggling with my anchor still. But I'm coming back around.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jamie with me i have issues sometimes not getting my anchor up tight to the corner of my mouth,sometimes i release before it is settled in tight. Always seem to shoot off a little to the left of where i aim.
Seems to be alot better when i only step out and shoot 3 or 4 arrows and stop.
It's when i shoot alot i seem to do this.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I'm so inconsistent. That's why I shoot very short sessions. The more I shoot, the less I seem to be able to put everything together.


Senior Member
I do that, too, especially when I'm tired. although for me it's not so much that I can't find my anchor, it's that I "creep", i.e., I'm not maintaining proper back tension until the arrow is gone. you gotta keep pulling until the arrow is in the target. when I creep, my bow arm tends to drift to the left, and I seldom get a clean release. it's a cluster fuck when I'm not keeping good back tension. arrows die. :smiley_badmood: shooting one or two arrows at a time and shooting less in general has actually helped me.


Senior Member
that's fine shooting, anyway. what do you mean by "struggling"?

Snap shooting/ target panic. It was so bad this spring I literally couldn't hit the target at times. Thankfully I have found that having someone stand behind me and count while I hold anchor really helps. However if they count 1.....2.....3. I will wig out holding it and probably release as soon as they say 1. So I tell them I will shoot on 8. And have them rattle off numbers that are not in order. And I can only release when they say that number. So it could be 3......1......6.......8. It is the only thing that lets me stay calm and focused for the shot. When I have someone with me and I'm able to hold my anchor my groups tighten up like you wouldn't believe. It's crazy how bad your mind can mess with you.


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Felt good to shoot some this morning with the crispness in the air. Was able to get back to shooting pretty decently.

Going to try to shoot as much as I can in between family events this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Starting to put it all together. I just wish I could shoot this bow more before fatigue sets in. 55# is heavy.

10 yd group tonight


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Nice shooting. I'm finding myself struggling with over drawing past my anchor point. I've started shooting one broad head arrow with a full quiver and then retrieving it before I shoot again to try to slow myself down. Hoping that helps. Have to live with my groups for a week till my fishing trip then I'll get to shoot again.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Got a little shooting in this morning, did good shooting at tennis balls out to 24 yds.
The group at the deer target was from the ground at 20 yds.
Also got to shoot with Cole which was fun,he did real good out of the stand and had him work on his anchor and form from the ground,he should be good out to 15 yds as long as he keeps his anchor solid.

Now bring on the bow season!