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Metroparks and Sheds?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I always though picking up sheds out of the metro parks was off limits. My wife is friends with this guy that keeps posting picks of sheds he is finding in sidecut park in maumee on face book and i had her ask him if it is legal and he said yes. I tried google but couldn't really find anything. I told my wife the reason he is finding so many is because he is probably the only guy doing it because it was illegal. So was just wondering what you guys knew about it? Thanks
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Never looked it up for myself. I was always of the impression it was a no no. Some parks have signs stating you cannot remove anything from the parks. Doubt you find anything in DNR rules. Probably have to find in the ORC.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For many parks it is against the "rules" to take anything from the woods. That being said, there's rarely anyone around to bust you.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Yeah he has some awesome pictures of really nice bucks and from the fall and winter and for the last few weeks the sheds. Its the area that the buck stickers was poached from so there are some BIG bucks in that area. Soon as i walked in there and grabbed a nice set ranger dan and his buddys would be all over me lol. Thanks for the info guys!!!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
In Sharon woods there are signs telling you not to leave the designated trails. I think it is the same at blendon woods if memory serves me right.

I got a pretty good talking too about leaving the trails when attempting some shroom hunting in blendon woods a few years ago.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Doesn't make sense that taking a shed would violate a law.

I agree! Don't think the maintenance crew members or the park district employees don't sneak in and pick them up. They watch them throughout the year and know what's running around in those parks. A sheriff told me once when he saw a set that was huge and had around 18-20 points picked up by a park worker a few years ago down here around Cincinnati.

It's amazing how many shed hunters there are nowadays! It's a very competitive hobby. I don't blame them, it's fun and great exercise.


Yeah he has some awesome pictures of really nice bucks and from the fall and winter and for the last few weeks the sheds. Its the area that the buck stickers was poached from so there are some BIG bucks in that area. Soon as i walked in there and grabbed a nice set ranger dan and his buddys would be all over me lol. Thanks for the info guys!!!!!

I know the area well...have seen some really great photography of some really impressive deer from side cut...i have seen someone walking through the Metropark area on jerome road right by fallen timbers mall...not sure if they had permission or not but i could easily see them while driving down Rt.24


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Far as I know it's only against the law on nature preserves. Some preserves are entrance by permit only, others you have to stay on the trails, but you can't take anything from any of them. Metro parks, parks, etc are usually ran by local park officers. They are allowed to set their own rules but none are enforceable by law if stated legal or absent from state law. Ohio laws are written so that anything not stated as illegal is legal. So if the state doesn't have a law against it, the park can't pass a law against it, only a rule.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Yeah thats the spot. I was going through the cemetery there looking when the snow was on the ground. The deer had trails going to the graves with the evergreen grave blankets that people put on them and the deer were feeding on the greens. Never found any sheds but if i had that idea that means ten other people did also. I went to Maumee bay state park and every deer trail had boot tracks in them. Guy thats got the pics isn't shy about it thats for sure. Oh well better him than the mice and squirrels lol!!!


The park rangers will ticket you for removing sheds from the metroparks. I saw on another forum that the fine is 138 dollars.

One could argue, it's only illegal if you get caught...the guy I saw in a metropark (off the trail) was in full camo...Now why would someone be wearing full camo to walk around a metropark, off of the marked trails??? Hmmmmm..

I have to talk to a metropark ranger one of these mornings and see just how big of a deal this is...seems likely, they don't care much about the shed antlers, but care more about making sure EVERYONE stays on the marked trails.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
we have a few parks around here were allowed too hunt them during the week not on weekends tho. and each park only gives permission too a certain number of people a year. i got hooked up with one of the parks because my cousin is in charge of it. this past fall while knocking on doors for permission i met the guy who runs the other park he told me too come talk too him in june and he will give me a slip. now we do have a state hospital property in town thats loaded with deer. and there pretty strict about taking anything off of there a guy got fined for picking mushrooms there.