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Non-Resident license fees to increase


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Any info on license sales that break down resident vs non? I have a hard time with more then 10-15% of all hunters being non residents if that high at all????

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
All this does make me wonder what the state is doing with that money. It's not like they are flying planes to count deer or spending huge amounts if money to count deer. If they would reinvest that money into the deer herd I would gladly pay nonresident fees to hunt my own state. When you manage deer by checking your email, that's much money being spent on an important resource( to hunters at)

X2. I hate to see the DoW collectin any more money from anyone. I don't feel like we are getting our money's worth as it is! Call a WO and the won't call you back. Ask the bioloist what he is doing to monitor the deer herd and he replies that he's setting back, waiting to see when we will run out of them. Anything been done to figure out where the grouse went? How about planting a few hen pheasants along with the roosters on WA's. I don't want to hear the garbage about them not being able to survive when transplanted --- they came from China! I'm not a fan of any of this crap that makes hunting a "rich man's" sport, and that includes high fees for tags...our DOW doesn't even have the overhead for the cost of paper anymore! And while we're at it, where do they get off no longer issuing free license to senior citizens? Buncha BS right there. Kids and old farts shouldn't be paying the bill...even a reduced bill.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I always like the pay what your state charges it's non residents.... Fairest way in my eyes.... Some will still get a better deal then others but it's fair too everyone one and if you don't like it you look no further then your own states DNR....

Only fair way to do it.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Any info on license sales that break down resident vs non? I have a hard time with more then 10-15% of all hunters being non residents if that high at all????

According to the 2012-2013 Summary of Ohio Deer Seasons put out by the state 588,885 deer permits were sold that season with approximately 40,000 going to non-residents. That's 6.7%. I couldn't find the info on hunting license sales but I'm assuming that percentage would be similar.


Tatonka guide.
According to the 2012-2013 Summary of Ohio Deer Seasons put out by the state 588,885 deer permits were sold that season with approximately 40,000 going to non-residents. That's 6.7%. I couldn't find the info on hunting license sales but I'm assuming that percentage would be similar.

Don't take anything I posted personal...non resident fees are just one if many things that need a more careful eye put on them. This issue is just that start and easiest of them though.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Don't take anything I posted personal...non resident fees are just one if many things that need a more careful eye put on them. This issue is just that start and easiest of them though.

I don't take any of this personally. I just think raising non resident prices will do very little except drive the out of state dollars away. I remember reading somewhere that Ohio will never go higher than Kentucky for non residents. According to the article Kentucky is the only other state that can compete with Ohio. They have big deer, long seasons, over the counter licences & tags and an abundance of public land. I know if Ohio became as expensive as Illinois or Iowa for non residents I would look at going to Kentucky for my yearly out of state hunt.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I wish I could go to out of state and get a NR license for $125 and pay the same price as residents for tags.I don't think NR should be able to lease land either, its hard enough for us Ohioans to find good hunting land. There is a farm that borders our land that is leased too a guy from new York, he also brings in other people from new York to hunt and he ends up paying for his lease with the money he makes from them. That's bullshit, and its happening all over the state. Raise them fees!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You can come bow hunt NH for $73 with one tag or $89 with two tags. Rifle season would cost you $103.

Kind offer. I believe this is a point Milo made though. You should pay for the quality of the product. If our deer hunting is too end, why are NR paying Pinto prices? If our hunting sucked, our prices should be lower. Are you hunting here because you have better opportunities? Then you should pay more for the better product. In "you" I don't mean you personally but "you" as the whole. I think if your hunting sucked and your DNR said "we are raising rates to put more money into bettering your hunting experience" people would accept it. Sadly, I don't feel our state is doing so. I do like the idea J mentioned to pay equal to what NR pay in your state. Seems fair but doesn't make sense to the "pay more for better product" thought. I still think KY is one heckuva sleeper state. Great hunting there.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
What would I hunt in new Hampshire, city deer? Why's it so cheap?

I threw that out there in jest. If any of you guys left Ohio to hunt deer here you'd need your head examined. There's a reason I'm willing to drive 14 hours to Ohio. It's cheap here because the hunting is nowhere near as good as it is in the midwest. NH is actually mostly rural especially where I live. There's huge tracts of forest and there are deer there, just nowhere near the amount per square mile as there is in Ohio. Our annual kill is only around 10,000. I believe if you look around you'll find that the New England states have some of the cheapest non resident hunting rates in the country. The only thing I know of that is high priced to hunt here is moose. If you get drawn in the lottery the permit costs $150 for residents and $500 for non residents.

Hicks, I understand what you and Milo are saying. The hunting in your state is better than most so the rates should be higher. For me if they increase it I will probably still come. I just don't think overall it would be good for the state if they go as high as Illinois or go to a draw system like Iowa.
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Tatonka guide.
I threw that out there in jest. If any of you guys left Ohio to hunt deer here you'd need your head examined. There's a reason I'm willing to drive 14 hours to Ohio. It's cheap here because the hunting is nowhere near as good as it is in the midwest. NH is actually mostly rural especially where I live. There's huge tracts of forest and there are deer there, just nowhere near the amount per square mile as there is in Ohio. Our annual kill is only around 10,000. I believe if you look around you'll find that the New England states have some of the cheapest non resident hunting rates in the country. The only thing I know of that is high priced to hunt here is moose. If you get drawn in the lottery the permit costs $150 for residents and $500 for non residents.

Hicks, I understand what you and Milo are saying. The hunting in your state is better than most so the rates should be higher. For me if they increase it I will probably still come. I just don't think overall it would be good for the state if they go as high as Illinois or go to a draw system like Iowa.

If ohio went to draw system it would cause outfitters to explode and that is another issue this state needs to get a grip on honestly. They are unregulated and my guess is most fly under the radar and without the proper consumer protections that they deserve.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Personally I will fight the bill. Our DNR has destroyed our deer population and in the process lost money. They're looking to increase fees to try and bring their revenue back up. Screw them, they made their bed they can lay in it. On a personal note a couple years ago I would've loved to see an increase in NR fees, a couple years ago I believed it was something that needed done. Today I want it defeated. Because fuck Tonk, that's why. I want them to feel ever budgetary pain they can due to their decision to lower the deer population. I want them to loose their ass on tags and licenses after what they've done. No sir, I will not support a fee increase on my fellow hunters to help the DNR make up budget losses because they rescued our deer population and hunting isn't what it once was.
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Junior Member
Agree 10000%

REO/CARPN.. that's a load of shit... No trying to start a war, but you have to look at the big picture. Saying you are over run with NR is a bit misguided. Is it crowded during certain times of the year? ABSOLUTELY, is it frustrating, I'm sure. OH is as good as it is, in part, because of the NR, who are willing to pay to hunt there. I'm from NJ, and a small increase probably won't keep me from coming, considering how good the hunting is. It's public land, you don't own it, and if we're willing to pay to take advantage of it, so be it. If you hate the crowds, save up some cash, lease privately, or go out of state, and help support their conservation efforts, just like I do when I come to Ohio.

Bigslam, you don't think it's right for a guy from NY to lease land that borders your property? Would be ok if it was a guy from OH? I understand you live there, and it sucks if a deer you've worked for wanders over to a neighboring property to be killed by a NR, but guess what, it happens all over the country. That's why it's called hunting. This sense of entitlement, that a deer on your property, in a free range environment, is yours to kill, and yours only, is part of what is wrong with hunting today, and why the prices have sky rocketed.


Tatonka guide.
REO/CARPN.. that's a load of shit... No trying to start a war, but you have to look at the big picture. Saying you are over run with NR is a bit misguided. Is it crowded during certain times of the year? ABSOLUTELY, is it frustrating, I'm sure. OH is as good as it is, in part, because of the NR, who are willing to pay to hunt there. I'm from NJ, and a small increase probably won't keep me from coming, considering how good the hunting is. It's public land, you don't own it, and if we're willing to pay to take advantage of it, so be it. If you hate the crowds, save up some cash, lease privately, or go out of state, and help support their conservation efforts, just like I do when I come to Ohio.

Bigslam, you don't think it's right for a guy from NY to lease land that borders your property? Would be ok if it was a guy from OH? I understand you live there, and it sucks if a deer you've worked for wanders over to a neighboring property to be killed by a NR, but guess what, it happens all over the country. That's why it's called hunting. This sense of entitlement, that a deer on your property, in a free range environment, is yours to kill, and yours only, is part of what is wrong with hunting today, and why the prices have sky rocketed.
i agree with this statement. The general and overall attitude of hunters concerns me the most. The volume of trespassing and people hunting where they shouldn't be is AMAZING to me. that's residents and non residents. so far i'm 1 to 1 on who i have caught trespassing on our property. The non resident was give bad information by a resident he leased a place too so he got a break. i actually believe him knowing the resident and his morals or lack there of.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Where are non Residents supposed too hunt? They look at a map on the DNR website pick a spot that appeals too them and then plan the hunt.... Of course it's public land because the majority of them don't really know anyone here in Ohio and until they build contacts to find private land if any at all..... This is their only avenue.... They pay their money and for the right too share the land with is.... How they choose too act once they get here is a completely different thread.....


Staff member
X2. I hate to see the DoW collectin any more money from anyone. I don't feel like we are getting our money's worth as it is! Call a WO and the won't call you back. Ask the bioloist what he is doing to monitor the deer herd and he replies that he's setting back, waiting to see when we will run out of them. Anything been done to figure out where the grouse went? How about planting a few hen pheasants along with the roosters on WA's. I don't want to hear the garbage about them not being able to survive when transplanted --- they came from China! I'm not a fan of any of this crap that makes hunting a "rich man's" sport, and that includes high fees for tags...our DOW doesn't even have the overhead for the cost of paper anymore! And while we're at it, where do they get off no longer issuing free license to senior citizens? Buncha BS right there. Kids and old farts shouldn't be paying the bill...even a reduced bill.


My opinion has always been that we undervalue our resources and I support a NR fee increase across the board to fund things like land acquisition, habitat restoration, educational programs, and increased law enforcement. I would also gladly pay $50 for a hunting license or $30 for an either sex tag. I'd be willing to purchase a $10 habitat stamp to hunt deer, squirrel, rabbits, upland game, etc. I think we should institute a predator lottery where you buy in for $5 and can purchase as many numbers as you want, match it to the Pick 3, and use the proceeds to fund a bounty on coyotes.

At the end of the day I don't want NR to pay more because I want to hit them in the wallet as I'm perfectly willing to open mine to fund the resources management in my home state. NR need to pay for the value of which we offer here and it is much higher than that of surrounding states. Reciprocity with WV? Come on. Same goes for PA. Nope. Pony up to come here or stay home. If we lose revenue, I'll gladly step up to the plate as a resident and pick up the tab. Sure I'm not alone in that regard either...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
If the prices doubled, you could loose half of all NR hunters and break even as far as the DNR is concerned. Now, money lost from the drop in tourism might be an issue...

Not true Greg!! Its crazy how it works out, but with that scenario you would have to loose way more than 50% of the hunters before you would be back.

We looked into this as a business. A 10% price increase across the board means we would have to loose 25% of our clients to be back where we where. No way would we loose 25% of our clients, and neither would the ODNR if they raised the nr fees 10%