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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just a reminder.. In Deer Zone C, Antlerless Deer Permits ($15) are valid for tagging deer until December 5, 2010. (end of regular shotgun) BUT Antlerless Deer Permits must be purchased prior to November 28, 2010.

So if you have killing on your mind like I do, and will be hunting shotgun week in Zone C. Don't forget to buy your antlerless tags before Sunday.

No go kill em dead! :smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If I don't connect by gun season, I may be requesting a place to spend the night and take out a doe. Anybody have a doe problem I can help them with?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
If I don't connect by gun season, I may be requesting a place to spend the night and take out a doe. Anybody have a doe problem I can help them with?

You and me both buddy lol. I buy both tags at the beginning of the season and I still have both tags lol. Here in Zone B it is only good until the 28th and the only spot I have in Zone C is public ground that will be hammered gun week. The public spot is usually fairly open during bow season but this year even during bow season it was packed so I can just imagine what next week will look like over there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Might just do that Jesse. Not sure it will be next week during gun week, but maybe bonus weekend or muzzle loader season. I will keep you posted.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Guys, you CAN use those antlerless tags in zones A&B after the 28th, but ONLY if it's an ARCHERY kill in an URBAN ZONE.
(Doublecheck it...I'm pretty sure I'm right)
Well, I thought I was done with deer hunting, as I've shot all I need. However, my wife's uncle is paying my way for a deer hunt on a location with private property in Perry county. :smiley_blink: I gotta get out there and purchase another skinhead tag, before the 28th.

I don't have a decent bangstick, so I'm taking my bow. It'll be cool to get a deer during the Deer Gun Season, with a bow. :smiley_bril: I don't much care if I get a deer or not, but would rather my wife's uncle got one, as he's 74 years old and may not be on the planet much longer.

If I get one, fine, but if I don't...the money's going for a good cause. :smiley_deer:

Good hunting, Bowhunter57


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Daniel- You have my number. I won't be using the 44mag, Remington 870 Express, or Muzzle loader next week. Can't have the muzzie though because I have not used it yet. haha


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Dannmann.... you're right.

Copied from the http dnr website... ://www.ohiodnr.com/wildlife/dow/regulations/hunting_deer.aspx#permits

Antlerless Deer Permit ($15)

Hunters are not required to buy a Deer Permit before purchasing any Antlerless Deer Permits.

Antlerless Deer Permits may be used to take antlerless deer ONLY. These permits may be purchased individually until Nov. 28, 2010. Antlerless deer permits are valid statewide between Sept. 25 and Nov. 28. Antlerless Deer Permits may be used in Zone C through Dec. 5. These permits are also valid at Division of Wildlife controlled hunts, the early muzzleloader season, youth deer gun season, and within designated Urban Deer Units (see Urban Deer Units). Refer to the Deer Permit Use and Bag Limits per Zone section to determine the number of Antlerless Deer Permits you can use in each deer hunting zone.

Urban Deer Units

These units include several of the larger metropolitan areas throughout Ohio. Maps with the boundaries of these areas are available from the Division of Wildlife or on the Web site. Please refer to Ohio Urban Deer Units publication.

Hunters may take up to 6 antlerless deer within the Urban Deer Units using either the Antlerless Deer Permit ($15) or Deer Permit ($24).

Antlerless deer taken within the Urban Deer Units are tallied independently and will not count towards your deer bag limits in Zones A, B, or C.

The Antlerless Deer Permits are valid in the Urban Units through February 6, 2011.

The designation of an Urban Deer Unit in no way supersedes existing firearms or archery regulations, or community prohibitions. It is the responsibility of the hunter to check with local authorities and obey all existing local ordinances and regulations. Hunters must obtain written permission before hunting on private land.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I would like to look at the maps for the urban zones but seems my laptop doesn't like the ODNR lol. I have tried all day to open their website/s and nothing. I'm not sure if it is their server or my POS laptop.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I guess all I had to do is complain lol. Looks like about a 45 min. drive. I will need to do some reading up on the urban ereas since I have never done any type of hunting in them before.