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Fruit Tree Problems


*Supporting Member*
I have 2 pear trees (one is Bartlet, can't remember the other) and an apple tree in my yard, as well as 2 peach trees.

Both pear trees were loaded with pears to the point that many branches were dragging the ground. Well, the deer took care of that long before the pears were even close to finished growing. I know deer ate a lot of them as I found where the branches had been chewed along with deer poop and a hoof print when we had all that rain.

Since these trees are out of control and about 20 to 25 feet tall, I figured the pears way up high were safe. Except they are all gone. Every last pear. There are none of the ground, they just all disappeared, and that was before they even ripened or finished growing.

Same with the apple tree.........gone.

My peaches are fine and I just took about 30 off of one of them. They are small, but sweet!

Anyway............I had thought about having someone come out and trim back the trees to a manageable height over the winter, but if something is eating all the fruit before it even has the chance to grow, I'm wondering whether or not to mess with spending the money.

Any clues as to what is eating the fruit 20 feet in the air? And/or how to correct that?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Are you seeing pits or any remnants of leftovers in close proximity? Any chance of a person coming in and swiping them? If it were animal I would assume you would see pits, remnants, etc. My first thought was coon as well. Not sure if squirrel eat fruit or not to be honest...


*Supporting Member*
I don't see any pits or partially eaten pieces. If I had not seen the fruit, I would have thought the trees did nothing this year.

My property is loaded with wildlife, especially coons, but I would think that many of the branches would be too thin to hold their weight while they were swiping the fruit.

It's probably a waste of time to have the trees trimmed back, if "whatever" is stealing fruit 20 feet up?

I can't see a person doing it. For one, the fruit is too small and not ready to eat, when it disappears. And two, everyone around here knows I can and will shoot! :smiley_crocodile:

The peaches are left completely alone. Strange.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Them dang big feets are sneaking in after dark Diane.... Put a trail camera on them trees and they'll stop coming around..... They were tearing our area up till the cameras came out.... :smiley_coolpeace:


*Supporting Member*
Them dang big feets are sneaking in after dark Diane.... Put a trail camera on them trees and they'll stop coming around..... They were tearing our area up till the cameras came out.... :smiley_coolpeace:

That would have to wait until next year since there is nothing left. :tantrum:

Oh wells, I got a bunch of peaches and the grapes are still growing.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Deer. You'd be surprised how quick they clean them up. I've had a cam under a loaded apple tree for over a month. I never see an apple on the ground. A constant stream of deer in and out cleans them up. They don't stay long, jus long enough to eat a few and they're gone. But they'll come back 3-4 times a night and 1-2 through the day. Get 7-8 deer doing that and they clean them up fast almost as soon as they hit the ground.