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What brand and size broadhead is best?

I have used 3 blade Rage heads for the last few years

Huge blood trails

And this with a Horton Hunter from the late 80's

Shot placment is a must regaurdless

But I have to say
I set my Nefue up with 100 gr 4 blade Muzzy heads last fall
Great shooting , do well if bone is hit and kill great

One thing I want to add. I've found that using one arrow/bolt as my hunting arrow is the best option. When sighting in I take my arrow designated as my hunting arrow, marked in some way (usually #1 on a vane), and shoot it with a 100 grain Muzzy tip without blades. When on target I then add four old dull blades to it and check POI. Normally there will be a slight difference from the non bladed tip. Another tip, don't bother with the Muzzy practice blades it is time wasted IMO. Once I have the dull bladed arrow hitting point of aim I replace the dull blades with new blades and I am ready to hunt. I check my POI in this way every couple of weeks throughout the season. I have actually taken my last nine deer with the same arrow employing this strategy. I have not missed, or wounded a deer since making one arrow my hunting arrow. I do use a Horton EZ Winder to cock my crossbow which insures the same nocking point on the string shot to shot. This has helped a good bit in accuracy TOO.


Junior Member
Dayton Area
I too could never get fixed blades to consistently fly straight out of my old Horton Hunter. I shoot the 125 gr Spitfires with the aluminum Lightning Strike bolts.
I have never shot a mechanical head. I've always liked a fixed blade head. But, it took me a while to devise a system that I could make my groups what I felt they needed to be. The one arrow system keeps my arrow in a 2" circle consistently at twenty yards. When using multiple arrows 4" groups at 20 yards were the best I could do, not satisfactory hunting IMO.


Junior Member
Central Pa
Excalibur bolts with 100 grain Rocker Broadheads Steelhead XL. They shoot like a field point and I have killed many deer with them. I tried the slick tricks last year and they shot OK, but I would not get the kind of group that I do with the mechanicals, especially at 30 and 40 yards. I shoot a Excalibur Equinox xbow.
Our Ten Point we are using Carbon Express Maxima Hunter bolts and have been using the original Thunderhead 100's. They fly real good and do hit the same as our field tip. The key to getting them to fly right was to use a rope cocking device. I had been using just a pair of leather gloves and doing it by hand but found even with a field tip I was not consistent. I have done the same as what Hortontoter does, shoot the same arrow I intend to have the kids use to hunt with. I now go a step further and have 3 arrow/broadhead combinations picked and paired up that I am confident will fly exactly the same. Just remove the practice blades, put new in and go hunting.