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Storm Prep


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm no weatherman but I told the wife she should prepare for at least 7 inches tonight. Also got some gas and the generator ready.
Should be fine as long as the roof stays on.

That one made me chuckle. Not that it is overly funny. I think it is because most guys say the same exact thing or something very similar to their wives. I know I could relate. lmao


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It's good to hear everyone got missed by the storm. Down here in SW Ohio Butler County we got missed. Had a sprinkle at 2:00AM then a little rain at 9:00AM. No hail or wind.


Staff member
It's pouring here now and it looks like it may last a little while...



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Hope everyone got through this storm alright. Like Frank said earlier, the Cincy area got pretty lucky during this particular storm.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I drove down to Harrison County just outside of Kimbolton. I ended up on a random backroad video taping some crazy swirling clouds, probably a dumb thing to do but I'm an adrenaline junkie. Now I wish I would of headed west, there was a tornado in Shelby.

Watched that one in the sky for awhile as I was driving St Rt 19 from Bucyrus to Galion. Never seen it come down all the way and lost it as it moved further east and blended into the storm clouds.
I had almost 1" of rain in the gauge
But it rained so hard , with lots of wind
Maybe more rain fell

A real bad part of the storm went just north of me

I had lots of lighting
I couldn't sleep
So I watched the storm
For a while , I could have read the paper
Just from the light from all the lighting

When it drys a little , maybe Saturday
I will see if there was any damage in the woods or along the creek



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was okay but my neighbor to my property down the road lost a good sized tree. Weird how the winds can come together in certain areas worse than others. This property is only 5 miles from my house but they got it much worse. My cousin lives roughly 1/4-1/2 mile away as the crow flies and had her camper blown over. Driving up to Archbold from Lima today I didn't see many issues. Maybe a limb here and there. On the way back I saw a pole barn on the ground. Looked like it was brand new. No other damage anywhere around it that stood out. THe barn looked empty. I almost have to wonder if they weren't building it and had the siding half done which allowed the wind to finish it. I don't know. Weird though. This would have been on SR108 south of Napolean.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
. On the way back I saw a pole barn on the ground. Looked like it was brand new. No other damage anywhere around it that stood out. THe barn looked empty. I almost have to wonder if they weren't building it and had the siding half done which allowed the wind to finish it. I don't know. Weird though. This would have been on SR108 south of Napolean.

On my local news they said there was a tornado out that way and showed some video of a big green and white pole building destroyed. Looked empty but some of the wood looked weathered.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Next road too the east of me had a maple tree about 36" in diameter snap off and bounce off their house and landed on their truck.... Roof tore up and truck looked flattened... About the only damage I've seen so far and it's a 1/4 mile as the crow flys....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've got mixed feelings about all the weather-forecasting media hype.

Pisses me off when they make mountains out of molehills. But, I'm sure that they've saved a lot of lives with their urgent storm reporting. So I can't bitch.

Better safe than sorry.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
On my local news they said there was a tornado out that way and showed some video of a big green and white pole building destroyed. Looked empty but some of the wood looked weathered.

Fits the description. I was driving by and pulling a trailer. Caught my eye for sure but I didn't get a good look.