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Finelyshedded Turkey 2013 Spring season


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ric, as well as you've gotten to know your birds, I gotta believe your time is gonna come pretty soon!

I sure hope so Brock! I'm going to try something different the next time I'm hunting. First thing though is heading out to set up at 5:30 instead of 6 or a little after. It's getting lighter earlier with each passing day.

One thing I was thinking about during the 3 hour lull this late morning was how anxious or how antsy a hunter can get when you hear several toms on the ground gobbling their heads off wanting YOU to come to them. Deer hunting is so much more different to me in that aspect. It's frustrating that the small groups of longbeards go after the one lone hen sometimes. With bucks they break away from their bachelor groups before peak breeding season and dominance has already been established or will be challenged later if two equal sized bucks run into each other chasing a hot doe.

With turkeys though, I've constantly observed the toms roosting pretty much together and traveling together in their pursuits of a hen. I know I have a lot to learn and observe about turkeys being relatively new to the sport but is that pretty much how they act?

Do they ever break away from each other during the breeding phase or is it typical to see 4-5 gobblers strutting near one fuggin hen while me and other hen birds are calling our asses off? Lmao

I try not to call much as I've heard and read that many hunters over call and it can be counter productive but why have I seen 3-4 hens out feeding while toms are occasionally gobbling by 8 AM? Are those hens done breeding? It's like they head to feed after they pitch and the toms are after the one hen that cuts me off and leads them away.

You can probably tell I'm a little frustrated but believe me, I'm still enjoying myself. I'm just trying to understand why they do what they do and what I can do to become more successful. Maybe next week when hunters can hunt all day my luck will change. If not, I'm still out there observing and learning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I sure hope so Brock! I'm going to try something different the next time I'm hunting. First thing though is heading out to set up at 5:30 instead of 6 or a little after. It's getting lighter earlier with each passing day.

One thing I was thinking about during the 3 hour lull this late morning was how anxious or how antsy a hunter can get when you hear several toms on the ground gobbling their heads off wanting YOU to come to them. Deer hunting is so much more different to me in that aspect. It's frustrating that the small groups of longbeards go after the one lone hen sometimes. With bucks they break away from their bachelor groups before peak breeding season and dominance has already been established or will be challenged later if two equal sized bucks run into each other chasing a hot doe.

With turkeys though, I've constantly observed the toms roosting pretty much together and traveling together in their pursuits of a hen. I know I have a lot to learn and observe about turkeys being relatively new to the sport but is that pretty much how they act?

Do they ever break away from each other during the breeding phase or is it typical to see 4-5 gobblers strutting near one fuggin hen while me and other hen birds are calling our asses off? Lmao

I try not to call much as I've heard and read that many hunters over call and it can be counter productive but why have I seen 3-4 hens out feeding while toms are occasionally gobbling by 8 AM? Are those hens done breeding? It's like they head to feed after they pitch and the toms are after the one hen that cuts me off and leads them away.

You can probably tell I'm a little frustrated but believe me, I'm still enjoying myself. I'm just trying to understand why they do what they do and what I can do to become more successful. Maybe next week when hunters can hunt all day my luck will change. If not, I'm still out there observing and learning.
With turkey hunting every day seems to be different.I have hunted them for 30 yrs now and one thing i do know is everyone has their opinion about how to call and decoy use.I have been fortunate enough to shoot over 30+ Ohio birds and only one was over decoys.Sure i have tried them over the years but have had several spook and would just rather not use them anymore.As for calling, every bird is different and you just have to try and see what gets him worked up.I was out Saturday morning and heard several birds gobbling at first light and also heard hens.Once i heard the hens i just really started calling loud and fast like a really excited hen and did some fly down slaps on my legs that was at 6:10 am and at 6:25 i had 3 longbeards come in 2of them strutting and their were 2 more coming up different hollows.When they got at 30 yds i shot the lead bird.20.5 lbs 11 inch beard.Dont be afraid to over call as sometimes you can get them so worked up they will bypass closer hens just to get with the hot one.Then their are the birds that just like the real soft calling.Dont be afraid to experiment with each bird to figure out what they like.And sometimes really aggresive calling can piss off the hen or hens they are with and cause one to come to you with Mr Longbeard in tow.Just my opinion.Good Luck and hope you get your bird. IMG951076950001[1].jpgr

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ric, there are a lot of ways people swear they can control a turkey, or make them charge in. The problem is turkeys are turkeys...they do weird stuff. However, you are right on top of them everyday it seems. With that being the case, I gotta give you one of my "go to's" to kill a bird that doesn't want to charge down your barrel. It's really simple, you call just enough for him to know you are there. Once he starts that hanging up nonsense, you don't need to make another call at least not a vocal call............scratch the leaves! You've seen or heard turkeys in the woods. They scratch A LOT. It is my belief that I can usually tell a hunter from a hen because the accompanying sounds and movements aren't there with a hunter. Turkeys are dumb and I am not sure they figure out you are a hunter, but I think sometimes they may figure out that something is just weird when they don't hear leaves being scratched or twigs snapped by the hen they are looking for. SCRATCH, SCRATCH......SCRATCH,SCRATCH......BOOOM! I think it's more realistic sounding if you use a stick and sorta flip the leaves as a turkey would, less movement of your hands and arms too. Try it.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Been set up since 5:40 and just heard my first gobble!

Today being my oldest daughters 16th birthday I'm hoping it brings me good luck. Planning on quitting early(8:30ish) as I'm on 45 minutes of sleep. It's very challenging hunting turkeys when working 3rd shift. Lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just called a hen in to 7 yards. Skeeters are swarming all over me with one sucking me dry on my nose while she stood there. Fugg! She suspected nothing and continued on. Haven't heard a gobble since 6:20.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks Jesse! I've hunted real hard this season and had some real close calls. Keep thinking the next one is it.

Presently have that same friggin hen right behind me within a few yards. Just moving my thumb not moving another muscle. She's just clucking like every so often. I must have called her back and she slipped in behind me up the creek bank.

Where the hell are the toms?!?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck this weekend Ric. I tip my hat to your tenacity. Last year and this year you have shown some serious dedication. If anyone deserves a turkey kill, it is you.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What call/sound is it called that resembles a chicken when its just pecking around the barnyard? She is still very close by and sounds like she's just sitting right behind the big tree I'm up against. I've got to piss the large coffee I drank,can't feel my ass and need to get the hell outta here and catch some sleep before heading off to work.

I just hate giving up my position and getting busted!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck this weekend Ric. I tip my hat to your tenacity. Last year and this year you have shown some serious dedication. If anyone deserves a turkey kill, it is you.

Thanks Phil! I hate hens with a passion....lol. Seriously though, hate them BIGTIME!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Welp, again no bird down. The toms weren't nearly as vocal as any other day I've hunted this past two weeks. Last gobble heard was around 6:20 at fly down. Heard faint hen chatter as soon as I tried calling at 6:05 that sounded pretty close to where several toms were.

Finally snuck away from my set at 9:30 which was an hour later than I planned because of that nosie big hen! She had me penned down for an hour to where I couldn't move a muscle. It was like I called her back and she squatted down within a stones throw waiting for the hen I was mimicking to appear. She finally moved down the bank and I boogied out of there as quietly as I could. Hope she didn't see me.

I plan on hitting it again on Monday morning. TOO much going on this weekend. Goodluck to those who are still hunting and congrats to those who scored.

Off to bed.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Look at it this way, you had the best bait possible in your lap. I've had that a few times over the years, but you have that girl hanging around pretty often. I gotta believe its just a matter of time - and you are certainly putting that in!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I have hunted real hard last year and this year. Both seasons had me so close to knocking the ugly off a big toms face but it just didn't happen. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can afford in chasing these fuggin things but work,family and things around the house come first. I have been fortunate to hunt as much as I have though.

My next sit is planned for Monday starting at 5:30am. Maybe the Tom killing starts then, we'll see!

Good luck and be safe to those of you who are hunting this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck Ric. I am working tomorrow. Erin works Sunday and Monday which rule out those days. Not sure if I will make it out again. I am living vicariously thru you buddy!


Coshocton, OH
Wish I had no dekes out this morning! I called a longbeard in from 200-300 yards out of the woods. He came running/stopping to strut/then running again through the field to about 60-70 yards gobbling all the way. He locked on to my decoys and stood statue still for a couple of minutes then turned around and went back in the woods. I have a feeling that old boy has been fooled/shot at in dekes before.

Darned if ya don't danged if ya do...watched 3 stutters this morning in my uncles pasture field fly down with their hens. They hens moved around feeding with the 3 gobblers in tow struttin it up. They never worked closer than 100 yards from me. I now can't but wonder if I had a semi strut or stutter deke out with a submissive hen what would of happened? There was one BIG stutter that you could easily pick out as the dominant bird. I think he and his buddies would of rushed over to clean the outsiders clock. But then again maybe not....who knows!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yeah Marcus, I can see how it'd make you wonder. Does anybody make a great gobbling call? I bought one that totally sucks a few years ago. IMO, that'd be the call TOO use! Of course you'd have to use it wisely or you could get shot!