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Finelyshedded Turkey 2013 Spring season


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I messed up too Ric. Set alarm on my phone. Fell asleep. Didn't plug in phone. Alarm doesn't ring if phone is dead. Oops.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here's a decent video of my opening day hunt moments before the 4 boss toms walked in on me. Don't know if this is one of the toms or not but whatever it is, it's doing some primping before pitching. Lol

This bird is about 60 yards away roosted over a small creek. You can hear the hens in the background. In my limited experience in turkey hunting, this one of my most exciting mornings in the field while hunting them.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
When those hens start getting mouthy give it right back at them. Start when the tom is in the tree. Cut them off mid call and mimick them. She will either pitch to you looking for a fight or shut up and go the other way. Cut her off and copy cat her louder. Call those hens in.


Senior Member
When those hens start getting mouthy give it right back at them. Start when the tom is in the tree. Cut them off mid call and mimick them. She will either pitch to you looking for a fight or shut up and go the other way. Cut her off and copy cat her louder. Call those hens in.

I have killed more than a couple nice longbeards like this. I would let them get fired up and listen to them for a little while. Then I would jump in there with them when they were in mid yelp. That usually really ticks them off and then start cutting at them as soon as the hens start to yelp and cut, before they can even get going. This will really fire them up and be ready because if and when they do fly down towards ya it's gonna be hot and heavy. I have even had a case where the Tom pitched down before the hens because he got all excited. That's the best case scenario.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The birds moved on me so I set up over another strutting zone 300 yards away. Toms are gobbling but not near as much as the first two mornings. We have a little fog still hanging around.

Got to my set at 6:15 and will stay put till noon. Good luck everyone!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well, I managed to call the three hens in that I was cutting off on the roost. They came to within 30 yards and are now feeding 75 yards in front of me. Lol


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was thinking the same thing. I heard one lone shot right at 7 o'clock across the creek 300 yards from where I sit now. Probably should have stuck with my gut and hunted where I did the first two mornings but due to the sun and shadows I opted to the place I'm at now. Birds seem to eventually end up here later in the morning. Sure hope it pans out.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Wasn't nothing happening where I was at and just now moved to the spot I was at on opening day. Checked my cam where those two toms where strutting on Tuesday and had 5 videos. Don't have a card to swap with me but I might fetch one after I get back to my truck and swap it before I leave or tomorrow. Kinda ansy in wondering if I got them strutting toms on video.

Welp, I'm here till noon, hope I can get one in.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Will do Brock!

Sitting here with another numb ass moment reflecting again just how fuggin close I came with one of four big gobblers. Took a pic down the barrel towards the opening they were headed to. Just to the right a few feet of the sighted opening is where they stopped then went back to where they came. My decoys where to the left out of this picture but just on the fields edge 20 yards away from the gobblers. DANG... I was so close!:tantrum: