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1023's 2013-2014 Hunting Log

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I have no idea how it will work out as we did not plant it. I am thinking about asking the guy what $200-300 would buy me to leave some standing. It could really change things as I will tuck a food plot on the inside corner of the woods between the woodline and corn. I'll have to post a map of the area. It completely changes the hunting on our farm for the better!

Leaving corn standing during the winter is just the poor man's grain dryer. Shouldn't lose too much yield. All depends on if it's worth (or what it'd cost) him to bring the combine back out.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Its in corn this year! That will be a major game changer!!!

Did your dad lease all the fields for crops? That outta help your hunting tremendously this year. Brills is planted in corn as well this year, not sure if I will hunt it or not. Need to get out and get some cameras up!


Staff member
He more or less has a handshake deal in place with the guy. The same guy cuts the hay off the first field. I'm trying to convince him to plant it all, except I don't want beans. It'll make it TOO easy to poach if we have beans. But the corn is a friggin bonus.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Dad bought that last summer. She ain't no speed demon, but she is a work horse! I'm hoping to get a Rhino next spring if all goes well. I love my four-wheeler, but with the kid, the side by side is the way to go!!!

Get a Polaris Ranger. We just got a 2013 500 EFI and I love it. Didn't have the cash to get a full size 800 or 900 but it's got plenty of power for what I need it for. I've pulled 30 ft telephone pulls with it, logs 10 ft long and 5 ft in diameter. I'm impressed with the pulling/towing ability it has. Plus the bed is bigger than a rhino and you dont have those wheel wells in the bed on a ranger like the rhino has.
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Staff member
It'll be a while before I buy something like that for myself. I'm just happy and fortunate to have a UTV at my disposal. My quad has been modified to make it great for work, so I survive with it when I can't use the Kubota.


Staff member
Here is a look at how things will shape up at our farm this year. The pink areas are food plots and the red dots are stands.

The 3 acres of corn is all new to our farm and should make a huge impact on things. I had a food plot in this corner back in 2007, but have not planted it since. That year is the same year I started hunting Deuce and should have killed him over this plot. Along the edge of the field is a thick area of locust and high weeds that I leave alone all year. It is not a huge area, but several does stay in here and Deuce was using it in 2007-2008. The stand will be on the edge of the food plot with a steep drop off behind me so on south wind days, my scent is cast right over the bottom below. There are a handful of oaks along the wood line, so that should help as well.

This is a look at the plot from the wood line in between the corn and the plot...

This is the view of the plot from the stand location. Just above the tractor is where the corn is located. There will be a 20-30' gap between corn and food plot...

This was Deuce the day I should have been in the tree overlooking this plot. Now just picture standing corn all behind him!!!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Make this area corn and be done wit it....you'll have deer all year! I don't want to hear this "can't get equipment down there" nonsense. Go plow that bad boy up and I'll come down and help ya plant it, even if we have to do it by hand, 1 seed at a time!

6-19-2013 12-25-47 PM.jpg


Junior Member
Jesse, that looks like one hell of a layout. Coming from NJ, I'm envious of that ability you guys have to do these things. I try to spend as much time as I can in OH, but living 9 hours away, limits to me to a handful of trips a year. I need to move...


Staff member
Got with dad and mowed down all 3 plots today. Totals a little over one acre between the 2. I'm using JBs mix this year of oats, clover, radish, winter peas and winter rye. Some of the corn ain't gonna grow, but there is still a solid 2.5 acres above this first plot. Should be a killer set up!





Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is a beautiful thing right there. Good for you Jesse. I think you will really benefit from your efforts. When I was hunting Vinton/Hocking counties for a week a couple years ago you could see an unbelievable amount of deer in food plot areas. I mean compared to NW Ohio the low density areas are impressive, but the food plot areas were ridiculous. It really brought them in.


Staff member
Pretty pumped about getting some stands hung tomorrow! It is supposed to rain off and on all day, so it will be the perfect day for hanging stands. I have 5 cams to check and 1 to hang. With any luck, I'll have nothing left to do but spray and plant. The strategy this year is to take last years success going low impact and improving. I've only been at the farm 3 days since turkey season was over and one was when we mowed plots. Once we plant, I have no intentions of hunting there until October 26th. We've had the farm since October of '05 and I am yet to kill a mature buck out there. I'd like to see that change this year. I've laid out some new access routes that require a lot more walking but should really improve my sightings. I also have some of my smartest sets planned thanks to all the recon Captain Jack has given me over the years. Sure would be nice to actually kill a buck that I "know". That's been 10 years in the making...

I'll snap plenty of pics tomorrow!


Staff member
My work at our farm is all done with the exception of one stand and I'm not convinced I'll even fool with it. Hung 2 new sets today both of which should be great stands. Moved another for gun and observation. Cleared lanes on 3 that were already hung. Cut access routes to 2 mobile set up trees. Checked 5 cams and hung a new one. 9 hour day start to finish with a 30 minute break for lunch. I'm pooped!

Stopped by my parents to hang a camera and found 3 huge piles of poop and some tracks that belong to a BIG deer. I rarely see big buck traffic there during the summer, so that's a bug surprise.

I have 2 stands to move and a few cams to hang on one other farm, other than that I'm done until its time to plant!