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Bonus weekend, season down.


Junior Member
It's probably time to start thinking about a booth at the next D&T expo. Would be an awesome time to hand out literature about how those boys in green are slipping hunters the dick. We can turn their little shake hands and kiss babies booth into a weekend of getting grilled.

-------------------------------VERY WELL SAID i WILL HELP FUND THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---------------------------------------------


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I personally do not care for the youth weekend and I have 2 boys that participate.
At our club this year I witnessed a drive where the adults were walking and the kids were sitting... Alone.

Things aren't done the right way so just eliminate it.

I have got to be honest with you here Mike. If they are this stupid, maybe we should just yet Darwinism run it's course. Some things you can't fix. Stupid is one of them.


around Toledo
I personally do not care for the youth weekend and I have 2 boys that participate.
At our club this year I witnessed a drive where the adults were walking and the kids were sitting... Alone.

Things aren't done the right way so just eliminate it.

Doesn't sound like a very good club IMO.

So eliminate any type of hunting where idiots don't do things right? We will all need to take up knitting I guess cause there won't be any hunting of any kind


Junior Member
Hey fellas they have taken what the PGC has done in Pa and ran with it. They lie about how many deer there are, how many are harvested and they don't give a shit about what the hunters say and think. Then they give you some BS about the habitat can't sustain the herd blah blah blah. No doubt there are some backroom shady shit happening. What ever is going on in Pa. The Ohio officials wanted in on it. $$$$$$ are coming from somewhere that is driving this BS and I know as well as anyone else does that when things don't add up and they can't be clear about what is going on something crooked is happening!


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i am all in for the booth, will help out anyway i can,we had some luck this past weekend killing 2 bucks (my brother and cousin) but it was on a property that was close to town and nobody hunts it i lucked into getting on it by helping pull carpet out of the landowners house, we drove it out sunday afternoon ran ten deer off it and shot 2. something has too change or were not gonna have a reason to go sit in the woods anymore. they do not listen to the hunters thats a proven fact.


Junior Member
Wow . Tonk is a puppet for the OFB. This came directly from the Ohio Farm Bureau website. Skip to page 99 using Adobe reader. Or just read below


By the way I been lurking for awhile , some of you guys know me from another site. You guys/gals got some interesting stuff going on here and I want to be a part of it .

Deer 572
We urge Ohio farmers and sportsmen to cooperate in an effort to hunt in Ohio and
thus help reduce the state’s overpopulation of deer. Great economic damage is being
done to crops in Ohio and an undue highway safety hazard exists due to increasing
numbers of deer. It is obvious that there are too many deer in Ohio. The Division of
Wildlife should go on an aggressive campaign to reduce the number of deer. The
Division of Wildlife should:
1 . Encourage research on repellents that would give growers additional protection;
2. Allow hunters in overpopulated deer areas to take seven deer, six of which must
be antlerless;
3. Expand the early primitive weapon season for deer to include increased hunting
areas, later dates to accommodate crop harvest, and increase number of days;
4. Decrease the cost of deer permits and successive permits for deer should not
require additional fees;
5. Make nuisance permits more available and consistent across all counties, and
make improvements by removing the restriction that hunters must live in the
county or contiguous county; making the permits available to control the damage

Ohio Farm Bureau Federation 2012 State Policies

5 - 20 | P a g e

prior to the damage being severe; and making the number of permits 1 available to a
landowner commensurate with the damage incurred and land acreage affected;
6. Exclude agricultural crop land as a component in the equation determining deer
range carrying capacity;
7. Establish a target population level on a county-by-county basis and allow deer to
be harvested until that number is achieved;
8. Allow bow hunters to hunt an additional one-half hour in the evening; and
9. Expand the Turn in a Poacher, Inc. (TIP) program to include more educational
television spot commercials encouraging hunting with permission.
We encourage the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife to use
a two tier license which would set hunting tag fees; for example, antler (buck) tag $40;
antlerless deer tag, $5.
We support the reintroduction of in-season nuisance permits for does.
We support a regulated bow-hunting season within the state and metro park systems.
The term “deer” as it pertains to the Division of Wildlife should be defined as wild
white tail deer.
We support any legislation in conjunction with the Division of Wildlife to allow the
first day of gun season to be on Sunday to give private landowners only the first chance
of exercising their right to hunt on their own property, and following all current hunting
rules and regulations while protecting their property rights, thus giving them an
opportunity to take immediate family members and children hunting with less risk of
harm and no educational days missed.
We encourage legislation to reduce the deer population in Ohio to 250,000. We
encourage landowners to facilitate this goal by allowing hunters on their property.
To achieve the 250,000 population ODNR should consider any or all of the following
1. We encourage having a doe-only season and a three-day muzzle loaded deer
season the last week of October;
2. We support an open season from September to April on antlerless deer until the
population reaches a desired level;
3. We support requiring hunters to take a doe before a buck;
4. Professional outfitters should be allowed additional deer tags to issue to clients to
encourage more hunting and increase income opportunities to landowners; and
5. We support a longer hunting season or a special two-week season for farmers and
property owners.
We support efforts to work with the Division of Wildlife to develop and implement
programs whereby deer killed may be donated to food banks across the state.
ODNR needs to develop a crop indemnity program to compensate landowners for
loss and damage.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Been reading alot of threads and never seen the OFB policies listed. IF SO THAN MY BAD!

Take some time and read some of the other wildlife policie wishes. like 566 line 17. Man that makes me want to puke.

I don't think milo was being critical of your post. I think he was referring to how similar the OFB recommendations are to what the ODNR publishes.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
I come from a farming family...still plenty of money being made. Farm land wouldn't be so expensive if there wasn't.

A farm just sold over here for a little over $7500 per acre. 75% of our work this year has been for farmers. Most years its 75% commercial 25% farm...