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TUESDAY- 2ed day of Gun


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Congrats JJ! Blowing 30mph and raining sideways up here today....would much rather be in the woods than the office:smiley_coolpeace:


Staff member
Nice work John! :smiley_clap:

I saw a doe cross in to the thicket behind our house this morning when I was leaving for work. I might slip out early and finish what I started yesterday... :smiley_blackeye:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Looks like I am going to do a slow walk around the property, Big Bro is going to his spot. Maybe jump something or push one towards him.


central Ohio
Cold and wet and spittin snow in the mix. I might walk out back for a bit near dark but no more. Had to do lots of "mom" stuff today and run off and horribly fail a math test in the process. Saw a sad sight - A doe in a dense urban area that had apparently been hit. Her back leg was usless and she was huddled up from the weather and pain im sure against somebodys garage where the woods backed up to it. I saw her from the road and wished I had the means and ability to put her down but unfortunately I had human stuff that was time pressing and more important. It made me sad. It would have been a mess to try to get to her even by the law. She woulda tried to run and into the road Im sure and it was in a no-way location for any gunfire anyway.


central Ohio
Resigned to the fact im not going anywhere tonight and cracked a beer BUT IM SURE GLAD I DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING to shoot at yesterday. PIcked up my Browning to wipe it off from the rain and the FRIGGIN scope was loose. Took it down to find all four screws on the plate were loose to varying degrees...FUGG..now what. So I preceded to tighten them, go outside and blam the target and now its off or was it ever "really" on?? So I fix it but this is all scary weird shishkies to me. My ex always did this stuff and Im having to learn as I go...thank God for the internet and yous guys!! I hate to think I mighta really just hurt one of those creatures out there instead of killing it, done enough of that with moms car and my new bow.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Spooked four does walking out tonight..... Would of liked too see them go by without spooking them but oh well what you gonna do.... Congrats JJ on the doe..... Back at in the morning stay safe y'all....
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The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Resigned to the fact im not going anywhere tonight and cracked a beer BUT IM SURE GLAD I DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING to shoot at yesterday. PIcked up my Browning to wipe it off from the rain and the FRIGGIN scope was loose. Took it down to find all four screws on the plate were loose to varying degrees...FUGG..now what. So I preceded to tighten them, go outside and blam the target and now its off or was it ever "really" on?? So I fix it but this is all scary weird shishkies to me. My ex always did this stuff and Im having to learn as I go...thank God for the internet and yous guys!! I hate to think I mighta really just hurt one of those creatures out there instead of killing it, done enough of that with moms car and my new bow.

Should be a quick and easy fix ( from the great pumpkin, lol ) Just shoot it, move your scope setting the oppiste way your arrow's or slugs are flying. If you shooting low rasie up, if your shooting left move your scope right. Thats just me but with my bow that's how I do it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Shot the Big Doe tonight that kept messing with my fiance.......Only this time the 3 musta been hungry as they went straight for food and didn't even look around much. She was 3/4 away so I put it right behind the last rib...The trusty crossbow let the air out of her.......30 yard tracking job......Plus found a good arrow of mine from last year......Have to say it was a great evening after rain quit. Hope we get a little snow to help everyone out tomorrow ~~ Good Luck to All of you going.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
The dial on your scope (under the cap) should tell you which way to go with a little arrow and direction symbol....slug is low and left....Turn dial towards up and right.....Count your clicks so you know that if it went a little too far with say 6 clicks.....go the other way 2 clicks and try again........


Staff member
I saw a doe cross in to the thicket behind our house this morning when I was leaving for work. I might slip out early and finish what I started yesterday... :smiley_blackeye:

I did slip out early, but she was already dead. I'll get a story up tomorrow. Hectic day/night and I'm bushed...


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
It was my shotgun but wait a minute wait a minute - with the bow I was told its different...follow the arrow

I always went with if you shoot low, adjust your sights lower, think about it. Not good with scoops, but if you shoot low, lower your sight lower to raise it up. Just me but it works, same left to right. Just sayin.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Some of the scopes say "up" or "down" now with an arrow. They make it just about easy enough that I could even figure it out. If your bullet needs to go up, then you follow "up".


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I got it, but riverdude just was confusing with sayin about the bow. "Move opposite the way your arrow flies?"

Sorry SP. Same theory works. I bow hunt a hell of alot more then gun hunt so I am always thinking that way.

Gotta run, Big Bro is in his spot and I am pushing. Good luck everyone.