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Dante...is pooped


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county

Just WOW!

I actually surprised myself this morning by having my plan go off without a hitch. (That rarely happens for me)
After taking a nice button yesterday, i left my climber, rope, bow holder and harness lanyard in the tree, intending to go back this morning and get in stand quickly. From the time I left my house to the time I was settled in, ready to hunt, less than an hour had passed. A new land speed record for me! The moon was bright enough that I didn't need a light except for when I crossed the creek and to find the actual tree my stand was in. And, for a change, I didn't bump anything on the way in.

As I sat in the dim predawn light, I could here movement to the west of me on the opposite side of a swollen creek. I have been suspecting that some of the larger bucks are stranded over there waiting for the high, fast moving water to recede. Then at about 8:00 or so, it was like a light turned on....

When I looked at that beautiful sunrise, I knew it was gonna be a good day. I would find out about a half hour later.

I was surfing TOO, and had just responded to the "Butt out" thread, when I caught movement in front of and to the right of me. This is the "trail" I came in on. It is actually a drainage that comes in from a pasture and joins with a few other small streams in the flat I was sitting.
I saw a white tail, through the brush, and then a head with antlers. Unfortunately, after clearing the brush he turned the wrong way and was heading away from me up a hill to a neighboring property. As I was reaching for my grunt tube I noticed there was another one with him, and then another. HOLY CRAP!

The grunt tube went to my lips and I blew into it...

... nothing...

Huhh? WTF? My grunt is broken ?!
I immediately went into trouble shooting mode, pulled it apart, the reeds look ok, the band that adjusts the pitch is in place, nothing in the barrel... Put it back together an tried again...
still nothing...

FUGGG!!! Pulled it apart again and spotted the tiny little piece of tree bark caught between the reeds. Flicked that out, slapped it back together and blew...


Before I could even tuck the tube into my pocket, I heard them coming.. On a freakin rope... All three of them. By the time I grabbed my bow off the hanger, the first one was past me and standing in a brushy area to the right and behind me, the second was right next to me standing by a tree in knew was exactlly 17 yards away, and the third had stopped about 30 yards out. They were looking for the source of the grunt as I drew my bow back.

I have always heard, "dont look at the antlers, just concentrate on your spot" At a glance they all looked to be about the same size, both rack and body so i took the one closest to me.

The arrow slammed into its ribcage just above its right shoulder. He spun left, and ran across a creek headed toward the trail they came in on. As he ran, I could see the fletch end of my arrow working its way back out and the business end kind of flopping around in front of his left shoulder. The blood was pouring out. He made it about 50 yards, stumbled and crashed into the drainage creek they walked in on. The other 2 were just watching him like "hey, whats up man?" That is until I let out a war whoop and hollered " Hell yeah, how do you like that!" At that point they were looking at me. I immediately started texting..:smiley_clap:

I hadn't heard any movement, and judging by the blood that was dumping from him i assumed that after a half hour, it was safe to climb down and check out the scene.

I have not had the opportunity to follow a blood trail yet, Even though I knew where he was I wanted to follow it. The trail was "textbook" The blood was flowing fast and hard,I found the broadhead end of my arrow about 20 yards away, and the fletching end another 10, I just followed splash after splash until I walked up on him.

My first Buck.

As far as the "pooped" part. From this spot to where I parked, is 2/3 of a mile. Not allowed to drive back there so i had to drag. I just drug the BB out yesterday, and now I have to deal with a much larger animal, as well as my climber, pack, and bow. I dont know how you guys do it but I opted to "hopscotch" I put everything down and drug the deer as far as I could. Then i went back and fetched my gear and took it past the deer to another suitable stopping point, then back to get the deer and more dragging. This was time consuming and exhausting.I loaded him up and when i got home...

... oh yeah, there is a button buck on my gambrel.

So here I am, drug 2 deer out in less than 12 hours, the buck is hanging, the BB has been processed, butchered, packaged and in the freezer.

Dante may be pooped but he is a happy hunter.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Oh yeah, almost forgot...


He isn't the biggest baddest buck in the woods, but for a first I'll take him all day long. I hear the stories of the guys that shoot a booner first time out, and then loose interest because the odds of doing better the following year are slim. This in my opinion is exactly the buck I needed, not bad, but something to build on next year.

and my wife says the deer beard has to go.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Outstanding buddy and too add points for our team all in one weekend.... That's a good weekend Dave.... Now you can relax tomorrow and rest up, oh and cut up the latest one as well..... :smiley_coolpeace:


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
oh and cut up the latest one as well.....

Ughh ... don't remind me:smiley_blackeye:

just kidding, this one isnt gonne be too bad. gonna take the loins and backstraps. debone the rest and find some place to make some snack sticks or summer sausage.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Next year I am hiding my stand and not tellin ya where I put it lmao. No more followin me around. Ya done killed more deerz then me the last 2 years lol.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Dave that's just flat out awesome. You had a heck of a weekend to say the least! Congrats on back to back bow kills & of course your first buck. :smiley_clap: