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What do you have left to do before bow opens?


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Just over a month left. How ready are you? What do you HAVE to get done or want to before bow season starts?

I finally finished all of my food plot work last week. This week I am moving on to hanging a few more stands and trimming back some shooting lanes. I have four different places I need to go so it will take me some time, especially wih the kids having practice about every night.

As far as my bow goes, I am all dialed in. I have been shooting every other day or so, right before dark when we get home from practice. Lately the slight chill in the air at night has got me excited for the season to start. Just waiting on some new arrows and I am good to go.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
1) Keep practicing and do some broadhead tuning,
2) Till some ground and plant food plots,
3) Hang another permanent set or two,
4) Practice a bit with my LW sticks and new Muddy safety harness...

Other than that, I don't have a whole lot left to do. I'm planning on relying heavily on my mobile sets this season. I'm going to try to adapt as best I can throughout the season and adjust my position to deer movements. With a good portion of my hunting being done on a new property this season, I think staying mobile is going to be imperative to figuring things out quickly.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I'm won't be pressuring my normal properties until later on in October this year, but I did check on a piece of family own property that seems to be getting some action. I will be hunting it when I have the time, the first few weeks of season up until Halloween or so.

I will be going in, in the next week or so and picking a tree, that's about it.

After that, it is just equipment check, clothes wash and smoke, and patiently wait for opening morning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
kill squirrels to tune up

practice with the bows

smoke gear

practice with the bows

avoid buying stuff I don't really need

practice with the bows


Senior Member
Medina County
1. Keep shooting
2. Hang 3-4 stands
3. Wash and smoke clothes
4. Buy rangefinder
5. Do some evening spotting
6. Just got permission on small 8 acre piece of property. Got to walk it, throw out a camera and pick a spot... Just hoping to learn that property this season and see what it's about.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Get new strings on bow.
Broadhead tune.
Clean and smoke clothes.
Hang three more sets.
Plant a plot close to the cabin for the girls to sit with me over.
Get permission slips signed from four more land owners.
Finish the honey-do list.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Hang four sets of sticks with a Millennium Bracket next week
Build a platform for the groundblind and brush it in
Paint my LW sticks and order new straps
Keep shooting and get the wife out there more
Move the cameras and start trying to pinpoint locations instead of inventory deer


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Find where all the deer went

I was so focused on listing things I can control, I forgot the biggest issue. I have 5 cams out and haven't spotted any buck bigger than a seven point so far.:smiley_chinrub:

We have gotten a lot more rain here lately, so I think the bucks will begin to show up in my areas. In years past, I have had targets at most places I have permission to hunt. I know i have lots of does, so the bucks will show up when they should, but it would be nice to know something shootable is out there........


Participation Trophy Winner
Got one stand moved and trimmed today. I have about three more to do, then get a couple blind spots picked out for the kids to hunt from.
Shoot the bow a lot more, shot it today for the first time with the arrows I will be hunting with. I was pleased with my groups but always room for improvement. find some camo that fits wash and smoke. Shoot a doe to get the cherry popped for the season and jitters out da way.


Staff member
Build new arrows.

Tune broadheads.

Shoot as much as possible.

Continue to glass fields and move cams.

Dig out all my clothes, wash them, smoke them and organize all my gear.

Hang 4-5 sets and clear lanes. Get access routes to all stands cleared and ready to roll.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Drive in circles. Buy more gas. Drive in circles. repeat until pattern established. Move in for the kill.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
New strings and sight
Shoot more
Get some permission slips signed
Hang sticks and move 1 stand
Shoot more
Buy more stuff...err...sorry Dann had TOO!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
New strings adjoining at SCO.

Finish setups that include moving one set that is two stands and a giving stick. Setup a buddy stand, clear pages on three other setups.

Practice, practice, practice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shoot bows. Dial in broadheads. When the time is right I have to drill 5 acres of seed into a bean field that has been eaten to the ground. Standard are hung. Need to wash gear and shoot now basically.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Build new arrows
shoot, shoot, and shoot
cutting a trail and hanging a set in an area never hunted
hopefully building a platform and putting the blind up and brushing it in
sort old clothes and get rid of stuff I dont need
get cameras ready
put cams back out

im not even close to being ready