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Other light hang-on stands

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I know there's a lot of guys that swear by the Lone Wolf and Millennium stands, but does anyone hunt off out of the smaller hang-on company's stands?

I was searching the other night and saw two that interested me. Some of these companies have super small seats that wouldn't hold me up (weight max of 220 pounds and it's a 6 pound stand? No freaking way), but others look pretty cool:

Chippewa Wedge Loc:
(15 pounds, 20 x 24 platform)

Several of the Loc-On stands:

...anyone have experience with these companies or models?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Most all my stands are of the cheaper varieties and I have no complaints. I believe that the right location at the right time over-rides what brand of stand you're in.


Well-Known Member
I do buy some cheap ones that I leave places I can't keep an eye on. Last year or 2 years ago Dick's had comfort zone stands buy one get one, which totaled $24 each:smiley_clap:. Bought several. Not the most comfortable stand I have but for 24 bucks its tough to beat. I actually still have one in the box. It needs to find a tree this fall.


Participation Trophy Winner
I have one nice small climber I use but , just like schu I have a bunch of the comfort zones. I have no complaints out of them for what they are. We leave them carpet bombed through out properties. Some get taken down and moved and others just stay. I will check them before season and replace straps if need be. Some have been up for a couple seasons now with no real weathering.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Have you checked out the Muddy stands, Huck? They're nice... a bit pricey, but nice. Not sure on the weight limits though...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Huck, the stand you sat in last year was the largest let stands. Most of my stands have come from dicks over the years and are in the $30-$50 range. The one you sat in ran me about $70. The only reason I got it was for the wife so she would feel comfortable and safe her first few times in a tree.

I have never really had any bad experiences with any of these stands over the years.
Bushwacker light weight series is like 12lb an 300lb capacity under 100$ shipped..I might pick one up to leave out,so I aint leaving my lone wolf hanging..

I think there also called Xop XL or something...Maybe there was a name change at some point,I aint sure on that


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No experience with those. Are you simply looking for lightweight? I believe Gorilla had a pretty light one out there. Rivers Edge has the Litefoot which is pretty light. Leverage has some light stands but you jump back into the Millenium price range. They are a stamped base which will pretty well eliminate squeaks and pops in the cold. I know there are some other light ones out there as well. Should be able to find something with all the stands on the market today. Good luck in your search.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I used a Chippewa wedge loc for a few years, which was very similar to Lonewolf, except for the fact that they used chains instead of straps. I loved the stand and the setup, just didn't like the clinking around of the chain when carrying it in and hanging. I ended up using it as a fixed stand until I sold it, totally defeating the purpose of having a mobile stand.

They may be using straps now, this was 6-8 years ago.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Looking for light weight, and cheap, but good construction...yea I could go buy several cheap Dicks stands but I'm looking more towards the middle of the market (with LW and Mil being at the top). The question could have been posed at, what's the best, lightest, hang-on stand that you can get for $100?

OMO - if you get one, let me know how it is. Who carries them?


Drake - It looks like they sell them with the chain or a strap now. I was thinking going the chain route. They sell just chains/straps (think Millenium setups) and I'd foresee getting one of both.


The Baby Gorilla also looks like it's $100, 14 pounds, and 18 x 24 platform...
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Staff member
I'm a Rivers Edge fan from way back. I wish had more of them, but I'm loaded with Hunters View and Ameristep stands. I may have a couple you can have if you need a stand or two to just leave in the woods...

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I know a few guys that like rivers edge, but not sure about packing them in with you and hang and hunt.

IMO... if hang and hunt and fixed are both important, go with a Lonewolf or Millenium. Let one nice stand do it all for you.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just bite the bullet and get a Muddy Bloodsport stand.. The seat and the platform can both level. They have a two rope cam attachment system to the tree, super fast and super quiet. pretty dang comfortable seat, and only weighs 13 lbs. Cost is $180.. But that then buy whatever clunky, cheap, steel goliath stands you wish to leave hanging in trees.. But when it comes to a portable "get in and dump one" stand, IMO muddy is the way to go.

Lonewolf is a pound heavier, doesn't level, Seats not very comfortable, you use cinch straps, and it costs $80 more.
Millennium Is a Cadillac. But it too is a pound heavier, It's more comfortable by far, but it's bulkier and uses a noisy bracket system that adds to the weight and it doesn't level.



Staff member
What Joe said. I may have one of those this year for days when I know I'm not hunting all day or that I'll pull the set when I'm done...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
What Joe said. I may have one of those this year for days when I know I'm not hunting all day or that I'll pull the set when I'm done...

Might want to go with the Hunter and not the Bloodsport. That platform is so damn tiny, you'll have a heart attack trying to move around on it. Especially with those big old Irish Setter Rubbers you got!


Staff member
Might want to go with the Hunter and not the Bloodsport. That platform is so damn tiny, you'll have a heart attack trying to move around on it. Especially with those big old Irish Setter Rubbers you got!

HAHA! I had to retire those, but you stick a pair of size 12 rubber boots of any kind of my feet and grace ain't something I have going for me! Thanks for the heads up. I do love that stand you have and its a Hunter right?