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Seen it all now


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
So this evening I made a quick un-planned run to Fin Feather and Fur. I walk in the doors and look over to my left to see 2 Amish fellas maybe early 20's standing at the checkout with compound bows:smiley_chinrub:.

The only thing that came to mind is " There goes the deer herd "

It's not bad enough that they slaughter every deer they see during gun season but now they are venturing into bow season. This should be good :smiley_blackeye:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't live in Amish country. Around here they preserve this image of simple, wholesome, or good. Not to say that they are not. We simply don't see the day to day practices they implement. I am aware of "journey" or time period when the youth explore opportunities outside the Amish community. Forget the name they call it. How young were these two? You think maybe they were just exploring "the other side" in their youthful adventure?

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I don't live in Amish country. Around here they preserve this image of simple, wholesome, or good. Not to say that they are not. We simply don't see the day to day practices they implement. I am aware of "journey" or time period when the youth explore opportunities outside the Amish community. Forget the name they call it. How young were these two? You think maybe they were just exploring "the other side" in their youthful adventure?

They absolutely aren't (simple, wholesome, or good)...

And they can hunt with whatever weapons they want...semi...single..pump...compound...xbow...anything that fills the tag. Our sects around me make those in Lancaster look like street whores


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Stupid Amish trespassers..



Staff member
Where have you been Adam?!? lmao

When I was shooting indoors competitively back in 2005-2006 outside of Akron, there was a van full of Amish that used to show up all the time. They all had Mathews bows decked to the gills with the latest and greatest at the time. Each one of them had made custom wood cases for their bows and they were unbelievable pieces of craftsmanship. But two things were very apparent when they showed up to shoot: They shoot bows about they way the shoot guns, poorly. And you had better take a little cologne to spritz on the collar of your shirt!


Tatonka guide.
They be the only ones that put tink's 69 on to smell better...dang amish soap is harder to find than bigfoot...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
They are not the smartest ones out there. We where out on a construction site once and they where using one of those two man gas powered ground augers to drill a hole for a large post that was going to hold a first floor deck with a second floor deck above it. So they where drilling a hole about a foot in diameter and got it stuck about 3' deep in some sand stone. Well we where all sitting around eating lunch and this little amish guy gets this bright idea that he is going to ride this thing. He probably weighed about 140lb soaking wet. So he goes over and climbs up on this thing sitting indian style, reaches over and pulls the rope and this thing comes to life. He screams "Here I go!" and grabbed the throttle and, OH BOY DID HE GO!!!!!. He made it about two full revolutions before being thrown from this thing like a fuggin boomerrang. I mean spinning spread eagle totally horizontal about 4' off the ground and flew about 20' before landing. He is actually quite lucky because if it would have thrown him the other direction he would have been thrown right into the basement wall.

I still find myself rolling laughin when I visualize the amish stupperman Sammy flying through the air.
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*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
kinda like when I was walking out if the local bait store last summer and a buggy pulls in with a portable cd player blasting out some motley crue. I got to where i was planning on fishing and there were at least 10 other buggies there. They were all congregated on a bridge and you could smell them from the parking lot. A rotting catfish would have smelled better.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
That story is right on Steve...I worked with ex-Amish for 2 years...always doing stuff like that. After leaving they are just kids...with trucks...