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Workplace safety meetings


Just wondering how many people here start their day of work with some sort of safety meeting?

my company has a mandatory safety meeting every morning...topics cover things from office safety to industrial equipment and even personal (at home) safety topics.

How about your meetings?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Morning production meeting every morning @ 0645..... Safety briefings on a monthly basis unless something happens then sooner..... Welcome too the Military.....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
"Safety Tip" in the weekly team meeting. But about the greatest workplace danger i face is spilling hot coffee in my lap. Or someone opening the bathroom door too fast with someone on the other side.


Staff member
I don't have to go through that crap thankfully! But it was mighty close a while back when Shell bought us out. They came down to talk with us about the purchase and we had to have a safety briefing prior to our HR meeting. If we had to discuss who would hold the only door open in the room and which door to use to exit the room, again only one room, I can't imagine how shitty life would have been had they taken over permanently...


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
We have a daily line meeting every morning at 6 just as our shift starts, it covers everything from production to safety, usually takes about 15 minutes, everything is recorded on a standard form for our company and then turned into our foreman and filed, that way if something happens or someone says they didnt know, the company can say you was informed in your line meeting on such and such date!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Safety meetings are a huge deal in the construction industry. We have a weekly safety meeting with the whole crew every monday morning. Then we do a safety meeting every morning depending on what trade we are in and what part of the project we are currently working in. This daily meeting involve filling out what we refer to as a THA, or "task hazard analysis". It is a form at details what our tasks for thge day are, (welding, ladders, boom lifts...) What the hazards are for each task and what we will be doing to minimize the risks involved with each task. For example when woorking from a ladder, the hazards are slips, trips and falls, dropped object, and balance traction and grip. To eliminate the risk, we will make sure the spreaders on the ladder are fully opened, don't leave tools and materuals on top of the ladder, and will maintain 3 points of contact. This form is written every morning, read and signed by every person involved with that operation and if we move to another area or do something not on the THA we must fill out another one. We also do daily hot work permnits for anything involving flame or sparks. And daily lift permits for anything involving a crane.

As you might have guessed my company drills us with safety. Every person in the company is required to hqave 30 hours of OSHA traing as well as first aid and CPR certifications.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Man am I hating this blackberry. Did I intend to post that twice? Nope. Why did it? I dunno. Bout to chuck the old "crackberry" out the car window.

Please delete one of those.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
No daily or weekly safety training for me. I remind myself everytime I get to my first job of the morning and have to climb the 20'+ to hook up the cable. Stupid thing about my job is they increased the risk of injury by having us put these green tags on the line even if we are there to program the fuggin remote. Crazyness lol.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Everyday during the first 15 minutes of each shift! Times have changed here as well, don't get injured on the job because they will try to remove you because.......ALL accidents are preventable and YOUR fault.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
we have office safety meetings every month. Its redonkulous...like joe, I have to maybe worry about a drawer being open or tripping on my shoe laces.

When we go out to a sub to look at stuff we have to fill out blue sheets, and everyone has to sign them (they are like what Dante has to fill out), then we have a little talk about hazards and stuff.


Good stuff guys,

Dante, we have pretty much the same exact procedures where I work TOO

rgecko23, I think our work is similar...can't believe how many "Office safety tips" are out there to discuss...it becomes mind numbing and repititious and one loses interest quickly when things become redundant.

I hated the thought of safety meetings every morning...the worst way to start the day (for morale)...now I am just used to them...but still question their validity...It's all just documentation so that nobody can say "I didn't know" anymore.....I guess its a double edged sword...

But in the end, nobody wants to get hurt...at work or at home...we all just want to make it home safely so that we can back in the woods or back on the water.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Safety meetings are a huge deal in the construction industry. We have a weekly safety meeting with the whole crew every monday morning. Then we do a safety meeting every morning depending on what trade we are in and what part of the project we are currently working in. This daily meeting involve filling out what we refer to as a THA, or "task hazard analysis". It is a form at details what our tasks for thge day are, (welding, ladders, boom lifts...) What the hazards are for each task and what we will be doing to minimize the risks involved with each task. For example when woorking from a ladder, the hazards are slips, trips and falls, dropped object, and balance traction and grip. To eliminate the risk, we will make sure the spreaders on the ladder are fully opened, don't leave tools and materuals on top of the ladder, and will maintain 3 points of contact. This form is written every morning, read and signed by every person involved with that operation and if we move to another area or do something not on the THA we must fill out another one. We also do daily hot work permnits for anything involving flame or sparks. And daily lift permits for anything involving a crane.

As you might have guessed my company drills us with safety. Every person in the company is required to hqave 30 hours of OSHA traing as well as first aid and CPR certifications.

Pretty much covers my day, week, month....