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Lousy Umpires........

matt hougan

Junior Member
Dayton area
My daughter plays on a 10U softball team (Ohio Hawks). This weekend we were in Columbus for a tournament. I always preach no arguing with umpires but I ran into the worst umpire I have ever seen.

1. Runner on second. pitcher had the ball on the mound. Runner steps off base makes a move to third then returns to second. Runner should be out. No call.

2. Drop third strike, thow to first gets the runner out. Runner on third heads for home. Throw to home. Catcher standing in front and on the first base side waiting for the throw. Runner make no attempt to slide, no attempt to step on base, drops shoulder and runs over catcher. Umpure calls safe. Catcher laying on the ground crying and bleeding. No dead ball call. two more runs score

3. Hitter drops a great bunt and heads for first. Catcher makes a throw to first. First base has to come off the bag to catch the short throw. She bobbles the catch. As the runner passes she gets the ball and makes an attempt to tag the runner but she is already past. Outfeild ump calls safe. The ump behind the plates comes out and over rules the other ump and calls her out.

4. Umpire now in the outfeild did not know the count. She attempts to get the count from the ump behind the plate. She walks into the infeild as the pitch is thrown ball is hit deep to left and our out fielder makes an ESPN catch. She calls no pitch since she didnt know the count.

We had to endure threee games with this moron.

I had to leave......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
We had an ump last night that wouldn't clean off home plate during my daughters softball game.....that is until I yelled at him from behind the fence.
Crazy aren't they?!?! My daughter is on a 12U travel softball team up here in Michigan (Finesse Black 12U) and our last tournament was a doosey as well! Championship game: runner on 1st. no outs, batter lays down the perfect bunt & runs through first, ball skips past the first baseman, runners end up on 2nd. and 3rd.. Ump calls batter out, says ball hit her out of the batter's box!! Runner on 3rd. has to go back to 1st!! The ball never touched her!! Went straight from her bat to the ground!! Of course we lost by one run!!

Monster Raxx

Junior Member
It doesnt stop there is the biggest problem. I can remember managers giving it to an ump before he ran him. They knew baseball wasnt about them. Now if a player or manager looks the wrong way the ump has to show his authority. Hell alot of the times now the ump goes at the player and managers. I dont think the managers should get away with what they used TOO but I do think they should shut there mouth and call the game until a line is crossed.


Staff member
Don't even get me started!!!

I've spent the last 20 years behind the plate and I consider it of the upmost importance to keep the ump safe and to be respectful. In exchange for me busting my ass, and balls from time to time, keeping them safe, I expect some courtesies in return. We have 3-4 umps in our league that just don't get it. Perfect example this weekend happened when a foul ball caught the ump in the shoulder. I called time out and went to talk to my pitcher, making sure the ump was ready before settling back in behind the plate. A few pitches later, I take a foul ball straight to the facemask and it rattled my dome pretty good. A good ump will call timeout and give me all the time I need, our ump never called time or even asked if I was ok. So in response, I waived at a curveball a couple innings later and he took it in the thigh. lmao