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Black Bear


*Supporting Member III*
I live in a small neighborhood. The houses are like 15 feet apart. My son was coming to the side door with his buddy tonight and a 100lb black bear ran up the tree in front of him right next to the house. My good camera is at work of course, but there's a bear about 2 ft from my roof right now. We called Florida Wildlife and they said "ah, leave him alone and he will go away". Interesting solution if you ask me. I am not worried about me, but if the bear gets startled by a little kid in this neighborhood it could be messy. The bear is small, but definitely big enough to do some damage. Hmmmm, wondering what to do. If we lived anywhere in the country I know exactly what to do...but not where we live. Lived here for 11 years and this is the first time I've seen a bear.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow that's an interesting stance by the state. You'd think they'd want to keep them out of the residential areas at least....


*Supporting Member III*
Finally left about 2am. Crazy. He got in my neighbors trash and kept coming right to my front door to eat my neighbors garbage. It was nuts. Hopefully he will stay away. I don't even live near woods!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I would think that since the bear has now figured out that people = food the FWO would relocate him before he becomes a serious problem.

Glad your son and his friend was alright. Good luck


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was also surprised to hear of a bear in FL. Didn't realize they had them there. Also surprised by the (lack of) response from the Wildlife department.