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any TOO brothers ATV mechanics??

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Do we have any members that are able to work on ATV's? I bought an 06 yamaha kodiak 450 4x4 tonight, and it has one issue. It will only shift into reverse. When trying to shift into forward gear, it feels like something is wedged in front of the shifter, keeping it from engaging (I looked at the obvious, there wasnt anything visible in front of it!!!) Can anyone help me out with this?? I would like to do the work myself, since I am a broke fuggar........any help would be appreciated!!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Buy a shop.manual and read it.... not the BS one but the actual factory shop manual.... a lot of them come on CD/DVD anymore.... worth the investment....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
First thing I do with anything that has a motor....Get the factory repair manual (You can find many different ones on the internet)..Get an OEM book and it will tell you most everything. (Stay away from the Haynes type books, they're a little vague) Can possibly be something real simple. I wanna say it was Repair manuals.com or Service manuals.com???? Not for sure though.

That's funny!...Jesse was faster on the draw! And so was J.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have a 2003 Kodiak 450. Does it sound like it is clicking or grinding but not engaging into gear? If this is the case, then I have found mine is idling too high to engage. When this happens, I slide the choke on just a tad which kills out the engine, then slide it back to normal position of "off". Once you do this the engine rpm's drop down and it goes right into gear. Been this way since I have owned it. Heck, mine is 9yrs old and still only has 500 miles. haha

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
It is an automatic with high and low. Won't go in either gear. No clicking, grinding, nothing. It physically feels like there is something inside the shifter housing wedged in front of it causing the problem. As soon as I get a break I am going out to see if it goes into gear when its shut off. If it doesn't I am going to unbolt the shifting rod and try to manually put it in gear.