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You know you have an Archery Addiction when...

...you meet a guy on a 3D range and the next day you can't remember his name, but you can recall his bow model, arrow shafts and draw weight.

...you named your son Hoyt and your daughter McKenzie.

...you have a back-up bow for your back-up bow.

...you see Pamela Anderson standing across the street and all you can say is, "That looks like about 38 1/2" yards to me."

...above your fireplace hangs the framed 5-spot target from your first perfect 300 score.

...your truck gets rear ended and the thing that upsets you the most is that your Easton sticker got ruined.

...you take your wife and kids to Cabelas for vacation.

...you had to move your wedding date back, because there was a 3D shoot that weekend.

...you have said to yourself, "Just five more arrows and I'll quit and go home." (for about the 11th time that day)

Good hunting, Bowhunter57
after my mom passed away , a couple years later my dad remaried, i went to a shoot instead of his wedding . i told him you should have known better than to have it on a shoot day .


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad to see you found us, Daniel! Thanks for sharing this morning. Great jokes! Wait a minute, were those jokes or observations?:smiley_chinrub:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

-When you wake at 6am in the to sit in a tree knowing that your girlfriend would want nothing more than to sleep in and have you play with her tits.

Make her your wife. That will change it for you. :smile: