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Whitney Houston


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Okay. Somebody had to post something. Might as well be me. I am sure this is the hot topic around most offices and many websites today.

My thoughts: Heckuva voice. Amazing talent. Certainly deserves credit for the remake on Dolly's song. I am sure she helped Dolly buy an extra cup size or two. In the end, I could care less. Freddie Mercury or Michael Jackson get the same compassion as I will give her. Freddie had some serious talent. In the end he was a friggin' queer that died of AIDS because he was a queer that wasn't careful. Michael? Once "the glove" days were gone, he was a loonball. Sad to see such talent wasted and tossed in the trash. The question becomes: Will I remember Thriller or nut? Will I remember "I will always love you" or will it be the infamous "Crack is whack" quote? Hmmm. . . .crack is whack. Way to take a God given talent and waste it on drugs and Bobbie Brown.

Lack of compassion? Probably. Do I care? Nope.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
All the money and talent in the world doesn't matter when you choose to flush it all down the tubes with crack... it's a shame really.
A definate waste of a God given talent, that's for sure. :smiley_depressive:

I'm not so sure I'd put her in the same catagory as Mercury, who would screw ANYTHING (animals included) and did and got what he deserved...dead.
Jackson...just another filthy rich ecentrical perve, who lived by the sword and died by it.

Bottom line...you can fool yourself and a lot of other people, but can't fool God.
I would've certainly hoped for a more graceful way to die, given the talent held by Whitney Houston. She was hands down the best singer this nation has ever had to sing the National Anthem. :smiley_bril:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would've certainly hoped for a more graceful way to die, given the talent held by Whitney Houston. She was hands down the best singer this nation has ever had to sing the National Anthem.

She certainly belted out the National Anthem. Not sure she was going to see a graceful death. You can't expect good things with the years of abuse she dealt with. Not slamming her talent. It is just a shame to see it wasted. Therefore, i have minimal compassion for her. It is sad for her friends, family and loved ones. It is not fair for them to have witnessed such a downfall.


Git Off My Lawn
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North Carolina


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But you guys don't know how much pressure it is to have all that fortune and fame dammit. You think it's easy riding in luxury cars, eating the finest restaurants, nailing the nices women? It ain't. That shit's stressfulrotflmao I fuggin hate all these celebrity winos.