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My duck hunt off Kelly's Island


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I never did get around to telling guys you about my trip to Kelly's Island. A little background. One of the vet's in town is an avid duck hunter, he takes guys almost every weekend up to Kelly's Island when season is in. 2 of my good friend who duck hunt take their dogs to him. They were invited and there was room for one more so I was invited.

We went up Saturday Nov. 26th after he closed his clinic and got to the ferry just as the 4:00 was leaving so we were first in line for the 5:00(last of the day). I'd never been on a ferry before so that was a cool experience. Got across and went to the "motel", not much of a place but it was good enough for 4 duck hunters. After we checked in Max took use for a tour of the island, and checked the 2 boat launches. I surprised how much of the island was woods. By now it was supper time so we went to the Pump restaurant for a fantastic walleye dinner and a few beers.

We all had some camo on and one of the locals asked if we were deer hunters, we explained that we usually were but this was a duck hunting trip. He was all excited his wife had just killed her first deer that afternoon, a small buck. So we got a short coarse on deer hunting on the island. There's 640 acres of state owned woods. All deer hunting is archery only.

We get up the next morning (Sunday)around 4:30 and get everything ready. We head up to the north side of the island to a launch. There was another group of guys launching so we had to wait. We get Max's Alaskan duck boat in the water and all the gear and the dog loaded and start heading out to a point Max likes but those guys ahead of use were already there so we find another spot. We set out 4 dozen Restle diver decoys and tied up to a dock.

The temps were relatively mild but it drizzled most of the day. The canopy on the boat kept us relatively dry. This was new to me, I thought there was a reasonable amount of action but the others were disappointed. Most of what were coming in were mergansers, but 2 of my buddies each got a buffle head. I did more shootin then killin but a got a few. I had my Browning BPS, the others were shooting gas guns, a Super X2, a Benelli SBE, and one of the new Browning Maxus.

Supper time had us dried out out and back at the Pump. This time we had their perch, it was good but the walleye was better. Watched some football but mostly BS'ed and drank beer.

Monday (deer gun season opener) we went out from the south end of the island. A little less rain and a lot more wind, temps were still mild. We ended up right outside our motel. Got the boat wedged up on the beach overlooking the decoys. One cool thing was looking across the water and seeing the roller coasters at Cedar Point. Right off the bat 2 mergansers cross in front of us, I shoot 2 twice and drop both. I'm thinkin "I got this now" about that time they both dive and we don't recover either :-( We had more shooting but still mostly mergansers, probably killed 15 between the 4 of us. A couple more buffleheads and the very last bird was a blue bill.

Got to talk about Max's dog, a nice Chessie male. I'm embarrassed to say his name escapes me now. He preformed wonderful, held in the boat until told to go. Retrieved every bird that stayed on the surface, a couple he really had to work for.

We had a great time, I hope to do it again. Of course I heard the next weekend there were way more good birds.

Sorry about the crappy pix, I only had my phone with me.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for sharing Sam... Better late than never. lmao That sure sounds like it would be a fun trip!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Sounds like a great experience! And ya got to ride a ferry for the first time.

Nice story, Thanks!

ps: you really are bad about taking pictures, arn't you. lol