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New Elite Grip on my Z28


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks to OMO, I've gotten the opportunity to try out a new grip from Elite Archery. Stock Elite bows have only side plates around the grip area... Many people love the stock Elite grip, but for some reason it has really given me fits. I have found myself having to make a concious effort to hold the bow a certain way in order to achieve near-perfect arrow flight. I have not had the chance to shoot with this new grip yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so in the next few days.

Here are some pics that I quickly took last night. I must say, for being basically a "universal" grip, the fit is pretty damn good. You can see a small gap between the top of the grip and the bottom of the shelf, but I think a little extra 3M two-sided tape can fix that. All in all, I'm happier with the look of it than I anticipated.



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Its dbl sided tape along the spine(lack of better term) of the grip...How does the tape hold Jim?I shot a few arrows with mine on,but I didnt tape it..My flinching on the shot issue came back,so I put the torqueless grip back on..I did like the feel of the Rubber E grip an I bet its awesome in cold weather.Well when compared to a cold aluminum riser..I always look at the level,but dont know im doing itDepending on your preferred hand placement(low,med,high) This or some other aftermarket grip may help with torque issue's..I wish I had more grips to give to you fella's..But I cant let either of mine go till I decide which one I truly want to keep...I will say the torqueless grips are very nice..But there over twice the price of the E grip..And the fitment is the same with a small gap above the nose of the grip..But they sure are purdy

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Its dbl sided tape along the spine(lack of better term) of the grip...How does the tape hold Jim?I shot a few arrows with mine on,but I didnt tape it..My flinching on the shot issue came back,so I put the torqueless grip back on..I did like the feel of the Rubber E grip an I bet its awesome in cold weather.Well when compared to a cold aluminum riser..I always look at the level,but dont know im doing itDepending on your preferred hand placement(low,med,high) This or some other aftermarket grip may help with torque issue's..I wish I had more grips to give to you fella's..But I cant let either of mine go till I decide which one I truly want to keep...I will say the torqueless grips are very nice..But there over twice the price of the E grip..And the fitment is the same with a small gap above the nose of the grip..But they sure are purdy

Actually I haven't even removed the backing from the tape yet. I figured I'd wait until I decided if I like the feel of it or not. I'm hoping it works out, because it would surely be a cheaper alternative to the Torqueless grip... which I had already been considering.

Traditionally, my comfortable grip has been somewhere between low-wrist and medium-wrist... but holding this bow like that gives me one terribly persistent tail-right paper tear. In order shoot bullet holes, I had to switch to a high-wrist grip and touch my thumb to my index finger (thus applying a slight amount of inside pressure). I have been getting more comfortable with it, but it still doesn't feel natural to me yet. This new E grip appears to be designed to promote a higher-wrist grip, so maybe it will feel more comfortable to me... That's the hope at least. We shall see.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I sent a couple dozen arrows into the target when I got home from work. Some of those were through paper. All in all, the tears were pretty decent. The new grip feels good, but it's still "different." It's not bad, just foreign to me. I think it's going to take some serious repetitions back and forth between this and the stock side plates to determine what I really like. Not gonna happen today lol.