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Redneck afternoon

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
After reading the thing in the deer forum about the mystery object in that fellas deer, I got to thinking about shooting my pellet gun a bit. So, my 8 year old and I strolled out to re-sight it with some new pellets.

After getting it dialed in, we took a long hike through our woods (about 20 yards). We saw a big ol fox squirrel toting an ear of corn to the top of a tree about 40-50 yards away. I put he scope on him, and knocked him out of the tree. We started over to snatch him up and flushed a rabbit. It only ran about 20 yards or so and stopped. I put the scope on it too, and fired one off. I hit a branch, and saw some hair fly...most of which was still on the rabbit! He stopped again by a stump, but eventually took off without me getting another pellet in him.

I called my beagles. They were off running around somewhere and took a while to come home. We had just finished skinning the squirrel when they came back. With the rain still falling, they had a little trouble sorting out the trail, but eventually did. The rabbit bolted across the front yard, throwing water as he went.

Mason (my 8 year old) retrieved his 20 gauge, and we headed to the woodpatch across the yard. The beagles again had a little trouble sorting out the trail, but eventually lit up and ran the bunny in a circle, and back to the waiting, soaking wet, 8 year old redneck, who was waiting on the far side of a 20 bore...bang! HEHEHE...he drilled it.

There is nothing that says redneck like shooting critters in the back yard, and honestly, it was a pretty exciting thing. It was Mason's very first running rabbit in front of the dogs! Good clean fun for sure.


Staff member
After reading the thing in the deer forum about the mystery object in that fellas deer, I got to thinking about shooting my pellet gun a bit. So, my 8 year old and I strolled out to re-sight it with some new pellets.

After getting it dialed in, we took a long hike through our woods (about 20 yards). We saw a big ol fox squirrel toting an ear of corn to the top of a tree about 40-50 yards away. I put he scope on him, and knocked him out of the tree. We started over to snatch him up and flushed a rabbit. It only ran about 20 yards or so and stopped. I put the scope on it too, and fired one off. I hit a branch, and saw some hair fly...most of which was still on the rabbit! He stopped again by a stump, but eventually took off without me getting another pellet in him.

I called my beagles. They were off running around somewhere and took a while to come home. We had just finished skinning the squirrel when they came back. With the rain still falling, they had a little trouble sorting out the trail, but eventually did. The rabbit bolted across the front yard, throwing water as he went.

Mason (my 8 year old) retrieved his 20 gauge, and we headed to the woodpatch across the yard. The beagles again had a little trouble sorting out the trail, but eventually lit up and ran the bunny in a circle, and back to the waiting, soaking wet, 8 year old redneck, who was waiting on the far side of a 20 bore...bang! HEHEHE...he drilled it.

There is nothing that says redneck like shooting critters in the back yard, and honestly, it was a pretty exciting thing. It was Mason's very first running rabbit in front of the dogs! Good clean fun for sure.


Ain't nothing better than just being a Redneck!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Went out with the dogs today with my sons friend.... rained the whole time and we had 4 runs and each was over an hour long.... one shot taken by Erik and he shot over it running away.... good day for the dogs and rabbits not so much for us lol.... snow is coming tonight so might be out in the morning again....

Brock I've taken these kids out rabbit hunting since they were twelve and they're 23 now..... they call and text me and ask when we're going out with the dogs lol.... they're hooked for life lol....
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Two awesome stories there from Brock and J. Glad to hear the two of you are carrying on the traditions with the youngsters. I am slowly easing my kids into it as well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Truly awesome, Brock! I shot my very first rabbit when I was 8 years old, right in our back yard as well. I'll never forget that day for as long as I live!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That boys a stone cold killa! Wonder where he got that from. lol

Its really kinda funny he hasn't shot a rabbit on the run until today. Heck, Joe, I think you saw him shoot his first dove in flight a year or two ago. He's killed deer, squirrels, piles of birds, doves, and gawd only knows what else when I wasn't looking. And, he's a rabbit hunting adict. Heck, he was within inches of killing one last year in front of the dogs with his longbow. Anyway, with him being off this week, we'll get in some bunny hunting I hope. He sent me a text about 8 pm telling me he'd wake me at 7 am to squeez in a little shooting before my 11:45 appointment. Ha, lil fugger loves to hunt and fish. It's funny, seems about the time things seem less interesting in the outdoors, you have kids that make it all new again.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Went out with the dogs today with my sons friend.... rained the whole time and we had 4 runs and each was over an hour long.... one shot taken by Erik and he shot over it running away.... good day for the dogs and rabbits not so much for us lol.... snow is coming tonight so might be out in the morning again....

Brock I've taken these kids out rabbit hunting since they were twelve and they're 23 now..... they call and text me and ask when we're going out with the dogs lol.... they're hooked for life lol....
I think we should be in for a few really good days once the rain quits or turns to snow, don't you? We took the dogs out Friday morning. They had a couple of really good chases, and my buddy and I could have shot two but let them pass in hopes Mason would get a shot. Dang coyotes got after the dogs on the last run, and put an end to their desire to hunt. One came back to us with a coyote in pursuit, and the other dog just quit and ran home...its a mile and a half from where we were hunting. I thought for sure they killed her. I looked for her for an hour, took Mason home, and was thrilled to see her waiting for us at the barn!

Some snow would be nice!


Staff member
He sent me a text about 8 pm telling me he'd wake me at 7 am to squeez in a little shooting before my 11:45 appointment. Ha, lil fugger loves to hunt and fish. It's funny, seems about the time things seem less interesting in the outdoors, you have kids that make it all new again.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brock went out in the rain Tues and snow Wed Tues was wet and much better we had 4-5 runs and one yesterday but the wind was howling and it was tough for them tracking... heading out Friday and Saturday so we'll see how that goes....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the update. Heck, I'm relieved to hear that it wasn't just my dogs that had touble yesterday. One of acted like she didn't smell a thing, and the other acted like she was on a cold track twice, and I saw the bunny both times to know it was HOT. Oh well, we are getting ready to head out now...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Yeah Brock all that wind made it tough on their noses yesterday..... Tomorrow is mid 40's and light rain so I'm heading out for the morning hunt... dogs are getting a workout this week so far lol....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They acted like they found one briefly today. I don't know what the deal is. These two are only 3 and have been really good so far. They are hunting, just not finding. They have always been really good, even on snow when others didn't do so well. Beats me. I'm sure Mason will be standing by the side of the bed by 7 telling me to roll out, so we will see what happens tomorrow. Good luck!