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Be careful


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
FREDERICKSBURG, Ohio -- An Ohio sheriff says a man cleaning his muzzle-loading rifle accidentally shot and killed a 15-year-old Amish girl driving a horse-drawn buggy more than a mile away.
Holmes County Sheriff Timothy Zimmerly said Tuesday that the accident occurred Thursday night when a man fired his loaded rifle to clean it. He says the victim, Rachel Yoder of Fredericksburg, was nearly 1.5 miles away when she was shot in the head.
No charges have been filed.
Yoder was shot while traveling to her home in adjacent Wayne County, between Columbus and Akron. She was riding alone after attending a Christmas party for employees, most under 18 years old, who work at an Amish produce farm.

Read more: http://www.wlwt.com/news/30038612/detail.html#ixzz1h64qvbCs


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sad story. Kind of misleading when the article says he was cleaning it.......more like he was getting ready to clean it.

I don't think she could have been careful either, no way she saw that coming.
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
That's nuts.

I know that when I unload my muzzleloader when the season is over, it's directed a bean field and aimed at the dirt.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Man, how stupid and senseless. When it's your time to go, it's your time I guess.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yeah for it to still have enough energy to kill is amazing in its self. It had to hit terminal velocity before getting to her. Of course, being hit in the head is always dangerous.

Heavy slugs/boolits carry energy for alot longer...


How sad for the girl and her family.

A completely senseless act on the part of the guy unloading his MZ. As much as think he was a complete idiot I feel for him also. Could you imagine having to live with that the rest of your life.
just wondering . i admit that it was horrable , what has happened . but havnt any of you guys shot a gun into the air? every body does at one time or another . who in the hell would think they would hit someone a mile and a half away . it would be different if there was houses close in that area . but im sure the guy thought he was pointing it in a safe direction .


Dignitary Member
Staff member
just wondering . i admit that it was horrable , what has happened . but havnt any of you guys shot a gun into the air? every body does at one time or another . who in the hell would think they would hit someone a mile and a half away . it would be different if there was houses close in that area . but im sure the guy thought he was pointing it in a safe direction .

Every person who has ever taken a .22 squirrel hunting has done it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Truely sad and the guy could have gone about it another way, but come on....over 1 mile away and she was moving. That's a freak of nature accident. The stars aligned, the good Lord raised his hammer and he brought that girl home. A split second later or .0001" off and it never would have occured.