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Long cold day in the swamp


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunted with a couple buddies yesterday up near Cedar Point. It was colder than a witch's titty, and the ice really hammered that message home.

We first set up on an island, but we weren't able to get a good clean hole and the spread looked like total shit. The ducks wanted nothing to do with us, the few that we saw anyway. At about 8:15 I decided to do a little exploring. In the process I found a spot with a little bit of open water, being kept open by the wind turbulence on the water. I figured if I could but the ice around it, the wind would do the rest for me. As the other guys kept hunting from the island, I went to work on the ice... again. I ended up creating a really nice hole... about 35 yds wide and 50 yds deep. The key to clearing a shooting hole in the ice is to keep the ice chunks is as big of pieces as possible. These big ice sheets can then be shoved under the ice around the perimeter... which eliminates all the small chunks clogging up the shooting hole. I got the hole created and the strong SW wind eventually made it even bigger.

Here's a panoramic view of the spread after we got all set up in the new spot...

It's hard to see because we were brushed-in so well, but there are two layout blinds in this pic...

The divers and mergansers were absolutely everywhere. For some reason, the puddle ducks were not. We saw only 4 confirmed puddle ducks yesterday, and we killed 3 of them. I'm thinking this marsh had been frozen for at least a few days prior to this hunt, and the birds had already found another area to spend their time. We ended up with a hen black duck, a drake black duck/mallard hybrid, a drake greenwing teal, a hen common merganser, and a drake hooded merganser.

This hen black duck was trying to escape by running across the ice... The Browning Gold reached out and dropped the hammer...

If you look close, you can see the gouges where the shot was hitting the ice around her.

Here is my buddy Eric with an awesome drake black duck/mallard hybrid. I talked him into getting it mounted. It was just an absolutely perfect bird to mount... beautiful of course, but there were no holes in the bill, no broken wings... just pristine.

It wasn't the best hunt in the world, but it definitely wasn't the worst either. We spent the entire day out there... Met up at 5:50 a.m. and didn't get back to the trucks until 6:00 p.m. That hybrid made it worth the trip, though! After trudging in the swamp all day, enduring the wind and the cold, breaking all that ice... I was absolutely whooped! Needless to say, I was in no shape to "tango" with the wife last night... not on top anyway. lmao

matt hougan

Junior Member
Dayton area
Nice work. Sliding ice underneath is a good technique. I also bring a leaf rake or push broom to clean up the little chunks. I wonder if the ice will be gone by Wednesday?


Always enjoy your reading about your waterfowl hunts JBrown....the hybrid duck is pretty cool...never would have thought about that...kind of blew my mind this morning when I read it!


*Supporting Member*
Nice job making lemonade. I know u had really high hopes for that hunt, sorry it wasn't one of those hunts where u pile em up. Thats a beautiful hybrid! What a bull of a bird. Its odd how even tho they are uncommon they seem to be gaining in numbers lately?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice job making lemonade. I know u had really high hopes for that hunt, sorry it wasn't one of those hunts where u pile em up. Thats a beautiful hybrid! What a bull of a bird. Its odd how even tho they are uncommon they seem to be gaining in numbers lately?

Ya, that bird was an absolute tank. He had to be close to 5 lbs. From what I've heard and read, it seems the hybridization between mallards and blacks is pretty common. I think I read that the black duck species in general is threatened due to the aggressiveness of the mallards in breeding. I've seen a fair number of hybrids over the years, but none were as distinct as this one. In most of the onces I've seen, the head is usually more mallard looking than black duck. This one is without a doubt the best looking hybrid I've seen personally.


Ya, that bird was an absolute tank. He had to be close to 5 lbs. From what I've heard and read, it seems the hybridization between mallards and blacks is pretty common. I think I read that the black duck species in general is threatened due to the aggressiveness of the mallards in breeding. I've seen a fair number of hybrids over the years, but none were as distinct as this one. In most of the onces I've seen, the head is usually more mallard looking than black duck. This one is without a doubt the best looking hybrid I've seen personally.

just a little curious how a hybrid would be counted toward one's 6 duck daily bag limit...in case I ever come across one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hate you...


Sorry dude. Trust me, man... I've been thinking all season that I'd like to invite you up for a hunt... but so far I haven't been able to line anything up that was a guaranteed "canned hunt." This hunt was a fluke, really. My buddy with the permit only invited me after two other guys told him they couldn't go. lol