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First kill with my new barrel!!!

This new cantalever rifled barrel is extremely accurate and I'm very impressed with the knock-down power of these Federal Vital-Shock Sabots. The shot was about 40 yards, from my Summit Viper treestand.

I watched the 3 does for about 20 minutes before making a shot. I was waiting on the 3rd one to get through the brush to see how big it was before making a decision. The 2nd one was a mature animal and I had my eyes on it for a good shot. Suddenly, the 3rd doe must have spotted me in the tree and she bolted taking the 1st one with her. The 2nd one stood there trying to figure out what had spooked them.

That's when I figured it was now or never...settled the crosshairs on her shoulder and sqeezed the trigger. BAM!!! At the sound, she rocked backwards on to the ground...struggled for a second, sprang up and leap-frogged about 15 yards, into the brush and died. That has got to be the quickest death that I've seen with a shotgun.

Also, this is the first deer that I've killed in December.

Entrance Wound

Exit Wound



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Supporting Member
Once again, big congrats Daniel! Glad you are starting to see some deer and got your tag on this girl!
FredT said:
Isn't it nice when your game plan works and your equipment is as good as you hoped it would be.
Yes it is nice! Especially, this year, since it has been a rough one.
If it wasn't for the standing corn, high winds, monsoon rains, flooding rivers/creeks dividing properties, too warm temps...blah, blah, blah. :smiley_boos:

I'm happy to have killed the deer that I have and am considering it a complete season.
Now, I'm waiting on the water to freeze, so I can do some ice fishing.

Good continued luck to those that are keeping after it! Hope you get the one you're after. :smiley_bril:
