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That water's cold guys - be careful!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
First off - thoughts & prayers go out to the family of Jeff Bard. It's stories like this that always make my wife nervous each & every time I head out to hunt.

Not tryin' to get all preachy here, but I saw this story on the news last night and thought I'd share it here. Every year it seems that we lose hunters in accidents like this one. If you're in a boat, just wear your PFD. It doesn't take long for a tragedy like this to happen...


The printed story varies from what was broadcast last night. Apparently the guy that drown thought the dog was in trouble swimming & went in to help rescue it. Again, that was what was on the 10 o'clock news, and the printed story reads like he may have fell out of his boat? Not sure on which details are correct, just sure that I hope everybody takes a safe approach to chasing ducks & geese this season.
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Senior Member
Opening day of waterfowl my buddy stepped in a hole setting up decoys and went under with his waders on. He was only a couple feet from higher land, but took him damn near a minute to get there because his waders filled with water fast. Needless to say he froze that morning..

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Yea, I read that this morning. A sad situation...I'm confused as to how someone through a dog was drowning as opposed to swimming?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yea, I read that this morning. A sad situation...I'm confused as to how someone through a dog was drowning as opposed to swimming?

They "Assume" he thought that.. He was trying to put a life jacket on the dog. Truth be told he probably thought the dog shouldn't be swimming without a life jacket. If he was trying to save it from drowning he could have just lifted it into the pontoon boat from the ladder. I don't presume to know what the guy was thinking as he's decease. But it makes more sense.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I past the ambulance yesterday on my way home from the shop. I wondered what happened and then found out last night on the news. Sad news and a good reminder for water safety in these colder days. I think they said the water temp was at 41 yesterday on the lake. Took them 4hrs. to find and recover his body.

Crazy stuff.