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good start for the season


Junior Member
First off i am new to this site so i know no one here but figured i would share that i killed a 3year old doe this morning at 9:10. It was very slow until then all i heard or saw in the fog were some turkeys yelping in the distance.I was starting to wonder if the rain was ever going to stop.I figured i would text my buddy to see if he had any movement at all and he was in the same boat as I.By this time it was a quarter till nine and i figured i would give it till ten before i got down. I would normally hunt till noon but i have a big race tonight so i wanted to get all the finishing touches done on my racecar before too late.Well the rain stopped right around nine and i was pretty convinced the deer would start moving and sure enough i look behind me and there she stood twenty yards away. I eased up and got my bow in hand and waited till the right moment she took three or four steps further and i drew back and she caught me.She stopped right where her vitals were covered so now we are in an old fashoned stand off. After about two min at full draw she took one more step and i let the arrow fly.SMACK.....Rage in the Cage she went 80 yards and piled up.perfect pass threw and i am off to a great season.Thank you for reading my story hopefully i will have one of a great buck to come.


*Supporting Member III*
Nice work, loose! :smiley_clap:That's awesome. I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading deer hunting stories. The old fashioned standoff at full draw is a pretty tough way to get the first kill of the season underway...nice work making a great shot after holding that long!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Awesome start to the season. First off I want to welcome you to TOO. Thanks for coming over and sharing with us. Also if you have any pictures feel free to share. WE EALLY LIKE PICTURES!!!!!! :smiley_coolpeace: