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beating a deers nose???


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Yea I brought this up a lil while back and it seemed like alot of people didnt think deer and canines smelled the same and that the tests could of been better. IMO this just shows that if a deer is focused and alert, your chances are very slim! If your are not always pressureing them and laying unecessary scent then I think you can get away with more. I understand there is "scent killer" and smokers, hell theres even "ozonics" but if a deer truely wants to bust you..... HE WILL!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm not so sure I believe this 100% though. Last year I had a small 8pt come trotting through the woods with his nose to the ground hauling the mail. He was coming right to my tree opposite the way I came in. He got to the base of my tree and locked em up. Stuck his neck out and smelled my step... Then looked straight the hell up. The look on his face was priceless. He slowly backed up keeping his eyes on me for about 15 yards. Then started the old head bob sniff routine. After a couple minutes he put his nose down amd off he went again... Dude was cruising hard. Nut that was 4 hours after I climbed up. The set was hung that morning so it wasn't a stand he knew was there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I would hope a more "scientific" approach was taken...or at least explained better. Forget the wind just....nevermind ;)



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Using a sight hound for a tracking dog is ok but it isn't anywhere near what a scent hound could do. Take a scent hound into that same 2hr old trail and he will more then likely find it with little trouble.

I was told that human scent will drift off your body (not just your feet) and attach to weeds and even short grass upwind of your trail for 24 -36 hours as long as there is no rain and no dew on the vegetation to wipe it off. Very rarely will a deer or dog trail your actual foot steps but they will smell the weeds and such that the wind has carried your scent to.

I would like to see a better study done.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
RedCloud you have it nailed! Just think how much skin your body sluffs off a day. We have so much dead skin that falls off and this is what the deer are smelling. Even with long sleeves on, your hands usually touch weeds, sticks, ect. This all goes back to a deers survival.... they spend 365/24/7 trying to just stay alive! I couldnt imagine living all day & everyday on edge like deer do, this is what makes them the way they are and why WE are addicted to chasing them!