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What site do you use to manage you fantasty football league?


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Are any of you in a league? What site do you use to run your league? I manage the league I am in and have been using the CBS sportsline site, but it is getting expensive. I think it's $150 or $160 now for a league and have been looking at the yahoo and espn sites. The CBS works great and has timely live scoring updates, but in this economy, I need to look at other options. Thanks


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I participate in 2 leagues...one is in Yahoo and is real easy and the other is a paid for site that honetslty I don't care for as much as yahoo.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've belonged to a league for the past 6 years and we've always used cbssportsline. We have 12 teams and each person pays/paid 10 dollars to play. We just have a plaque at work with the winners name on it and bragging rights. I won the Super Bowl last year for the 1st time after losing 2 others in previous seasons. :pickle: Nice TOO get that monkey off my back! Did I mention I won it ALL last year? lmao:pickle: