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Reactions to Treated Lumber...Any Experiences

About 15 months ago I moved my outhouse stand to its current location. When I moved it I made a new base for it to sit on from new treated lumber. Last fall when I hunted it I seemed to get half sick every time. The only other thing I changed during this move was I put 4 landscaping blocks inside my stand to raise the level of my stool. I assumed last season that the new treated lumber may be bothering me, but last night I had the same issue, sick feeling almost to the point of throwing up. The stand has a large shooting window and three 4" porthole windows, all uncovered, 2 on one side and one on the other. Plenty of ventilation, but something is making me ill in this stand. I'd think after 15 months any effects from the treated lumber would be gone. Any ideas?


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Not sure what it could be Dick, but I hope you get it figured out. That would be shitty to have done all that work and not be able to use it. Good luck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
You think maybe Bigslam took a dump in there Dick.lol
Oh lord forgive me Dick!
What in thee hell is the matter with you?! Idk, Dick I've never heard of any reactions like that from treated lumber. Burning it is the only way I've ever heard of it making someone sick.
I haven't detected any mold anywhere in this stand. The blocks get moved a bit every now and then. I took them completely out a few weeks ago to sweep out the floor of the stand. No sign of mold anywhere. I'm thinking that sealing the floor is my next move. I was in this stand five fairly miserable hours yesterday afternoon. Sure took the fun out of hunting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
It was 2003 when they changed the treatment on treated lumber. If I'm reading it right, it can cause nausea and headaches. Depending on your personal reaction to the wood. (Sorta Googled it in a hurry).


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Treated lumber can be nasty shit, and like was mentioned above, do not burn it.
Chemicals chemicals chemicals - seal it or paint it and hope that makes the difference.
But I think your concerns are valid.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Good luck. I'd also be concerned about the smell of paint this time of year. Not sure what I'd do in your situation. Maybe dump some corn or something near by to make them play the "risk vs reward" game. Try and find a way to make them think the smell is harmless.