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Securing a tripod feeder


Junior Member
Does anyone secure/lock up their tripod type feeders to a tree or anything? The properties I hunt butt up to a campground and mobile home park and they get occasional walkers, drinkers, and god knows what else back there. I have lots of posted signs but they are ignored and honestly the deer are not bothered by people back there. I have not any issues with stands being taken or anything like but a feeder maybe a little more difficult to secure. Thanks!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I made mine hang from a pole and hooked to a boat crank. They can still get it but gonna work for it!


The barrel keeps coons from climbing. Plus I got rid of the "Bump and drop system" and put a PVC upside down T on it for a gravity feed.
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Does anyone secure/lock up their tripod type feeders to a tree or anything? The properties I hunt butt up to a campground and mobile home park and they get occasional walkers, drinkers, and god knows what else back there. I have lots of posted signs but they are ignored and honestly the deer are not bothered by people back there. I have not any issues with stands being taken or anything like but a feeder maybe a little more difficult to secure. Thanks!

Trailer Park People need places to make love too! Its hard to have a intimate moment when you have your entire extended family in 300 square foot of luxury!


Honestly I would just make a pvc pipe feeder so you only out $15-$20 , white trash can break into anything except a full time job!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
If the place has that much traffic I personally wouldn't want to draw any more attention to it.

What would be the reason for the feeder? Sounds like you have the place figure out already.