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Phil's 2016 sheds


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This may become a pretty boring thread. I have been out 4-5 times. Last several times I have covered some serious ground. Cameras are showing more bucks shed now so I plan to hit it hard this week. Found one tonight. Not a monster but for a first rack I am happy. Decent mass and 4pts on a year and half old buck makes me eager to see him in 3yrs.

Frustrated at myself. No ATL pics. I was talking to a buddy and thought I snapped a couple. Apparently it did not snap the pics.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great feeling spotting them. Good luck the rest of the way!

It's a bit of a rush. This year has been rough. This is the first I have found. I had low expectations due to how my season has been going. Then I see this lil' feller and it was instant euphoria! Euphoria over a tiny antler? Yep. I know. It's weird, but some of you guys get it. You can't explain that feeling to others unless maybe they are arrow head hunters or something.


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
It's a bit of a rush. This year has been rough. This is the first I have found. I had low expectations due to how my season has been going. Then I see this lil' feller and it was instant euphoria! Euphoria over a tiny antler? Yep. I know. It's weird, but some of you guys get it. You can't explain that feeling to others unless maybe they are arrow head hunters or something.
Hell I looked through my binos today at what I thought was a shed, took off after it jumping over a downed tree. It was a stickler lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I put in half a day today. Just got home. Went out about 1230. 6hrs of driving UTV and walking most of the ground. UTV was more for grassy field edges and getting me to thick stuff. Hard saying how many miles I hiked. Plenty.

I talked to Ric. I was crying about how many miles I put on today. Hung up and not 20 seconds later I found this one. Guess Ric is my good luck charm. This one had something I'd never seen. Around the pedicle is a weird substance. Not sure if it is skin or what. It is sticky, gooey. The shed looked real fresh.

Always nice to see stuff like this post season. I made many mental notes for future stand placement.

Here are some of the thick environments I searched and some crazy cow paths. Taylor said look for honeysuckle. Ha. We don't have that up here. This is about as thick as it gets unless you have some CRP ground, you search this stuff.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't know what I was thinking when I handled the sheds bare handed at the summer shoot.

I think I just set myself up on that one. I'm sure Phil will edit it somehow.
Nah. We have all fondled Ric's bone and Brian's 96" bone. We could all be made fun of.