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compost bin questions


*Supporting Member*
between my home and the farm I am just so tired of tossing old food into the trash. I have so much ask from fires, old apple cores, egg shells, etc.

My questions are below
1. I need a bin I can fill up, and just let sit. I travel for work and I don't have time to turn them often. I see several on internet for fairly cheap that would/should work. Any brands I should avoid?
2. How much compost does one bin produce? Enough for a garden? Planting trees? Spreading on a food plot?

I think that is all for now.

thank you!


Staff member
I have plans to build a 3 sectioned bin out of pallets this spring. I was thinking of building a barrel style, but I have tons of debris to get rid of annually and need more space. Not much help here buddy. If Jen has Pinterest, you can find lots of good DIY ideas on there. And yes, I use it. It's a damn good resource.


*Supporting Member*
I have plans to build a 3 sectioned bin out of pallets this spring. I was thinking of building a barrel style, but I have tons of debris to get rid of annually and need more space. Not much help here buddy. If Jen has Pinterest, you can find lots of good DIY ideas on there. And yes, I use it. It's a damn good resource.

alright buddy I will have her check it out. I have enough leaves, and food waste that it makes me sick to just throw it out. I need to do something to help give back to the land. Hell I am only renting it while I'm on this Earth, I like to give back to it some.

Any ideas Jesse on how you'll use it? On new tree plantings? Could you spread it over plots, and would it be beneficial or would it not be enough to even effect the overall soil quality?


Staff member
I'll use it in the garden and any tree/bush plantings I do. If I run in to an excess, I'll take it to the farm and spread it on food plots.


*Supporting Member*
I'll use it in the garden and any tree/bush plantings I do. If I run in to an excess, I'll take it to the farm and spread it on food plots.

ok this is my plan as well. I am going to buy another 10 apple trees form Morse nurseries and figure using good compost on them will be the cats ass!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
We have had a mulch pile for 40 plus yrs. Ours is just a simple pile that everything is put onto it.
It would be better if you planted your apple trees on actual 'cats asses'.


*Supporting Member*
We have had a mulch pile for 40 plus yrs. Ours is just a simple pile that everything is put onto it.
It would be better if you planted your apple trees on actual 'cats asses'.

hahahah sorry old saying my uncle always says and sometimes it slips into my vernacular!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
hahahah sorry old saying my uncle always says and sometimes it slips into my vernacular!

Nothing to be sorry about as we all use the saying. Besides that's where all wild running cats should be used for. I got 3 wild ones running the farm for the last 2 years and I'll make a point to plant them this year.


spencerville oh
It don't take much a couple post and chicken wire works good letting air flow through. I looked at the drum deal and didn't seem big enough for me. It doesn't take much turning imo. Just watch what food scraps you use because some will make it high in acid. You really can't go wrong. With however you go about it some just take longer to break down as far as the design.