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Jury duty


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I can tell you what NOT to do. I sent in a letter stating I would not be a good juror because I was extremely prejudice because I had recently been disrespected by a black man. I got a letter back from the courthouse stating the defendant was white come on in. True story.


Staff member
I can tell you what NOT to do. I I sent in a letter stating I would not be a good juror because I was extremely prejudice because I had recently been disrespected by a black man. I got a letter back from the courthouse stating the defendant was white come on in


When selected, I make sure to answer any question I'm asked during final selection as opinionated as possible. I'm always dismissed. LOL


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was selected in this year and was one of the 12 that got seated. But got bumped off when they found out I was a victim of a armed robbery. Not sure how that had a bearing on a traffic stop and possession of pot case.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Haven't any of you seen the old man videos of YouTube on how to get out of this? They are hilarious! "You were a victim of murder? Yes..."


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I always tried to dodge jury duty. I got pulled a couple years ago and was seated on the jury. It was a rape case, they had dna evidence among other things. It was very interesting to see how the process works. Almost as soon as we started deliberating the guy pled out. I missed almost a week of rut hunting but it was worth it. It was seriously very rewarding to participate. With as many stupid people as there are out there I think people with a brain should really try and do their part.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was in a jury once. Some older dude accused of molesting a young girl. She was a terrible witness & even though we wanted to convict him, we couldn't. Damn system lays down procedures you have to follow & sometimes it leaves you no choice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was in a jury once. Some older dude accused of molesting a young girl. She was a terrible witness & even though we wanted to convict him, we couldn't. Damn system lays down procedures you have to follow & sometimes it leaves you no choice. At least the judge was hot.


*Supporting Member*
The only time I got close to sitting on a jury, the case was settled a few minutes beforehand. However, the judge did tell us what it was going to be about (when he came to dismiss us). It was that incident at Flying J's a few years back, where a young child pulled a pot of coffee over to her and scalded herself.
All of the women were like horrified at this waitress, but my first thought was, "Where in the hell was the mother?".
I think deliberations would have been interesting.


Senior Member
I almost sat on a jury once. I did hear a little about the case before being dismissed.

I was also a defendant in a business litigation case after I quit a place of previous employment. The old employer came after me in spite for trademark, patents, trade secrets, and business contacts. I couldn't help all those things were stuck in my head. After months in litigation and $ 250k in attorney fees the case was dismissed by my previous employer and life goes on.

Court is an educational and interesting process.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I was called a few years ago, went in one day to fill out paper work and got some instructions. Had to call each day to see if they needed me the next. After a few days I was told to come in. Just before jury selection it was plead out so I went home. I'd got a notice back in August, called and said I wasn't available until after the first of the year. Didn't think it'd be the first 2 weeks. Lol