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Rape Seed plot


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I have a strip of real estate that I carved out of a old, overgrown field. It is about 75 yards long and anywhere from 10-15 yards wide. It sort of has a curvy shape to it. Over the years I have put on clover, corn or sorghum. Some years I do nothing. This year I did not have the time but on my last hitch, a friend that lives in Michigan was just back and dident have time to put in his last winter crop so he gave me a bag a little bigger than a football of Rape Seed. I knew nothing about it but he swears by it for a late season crop. He says the deer will leave it alone until after the first heavy frost so I took it home, disked up the plot only going 2-3 inches down and walked it with a little hand spreader broadcasting just as the rain started. I made 1 more pass w/ the disks and headed home soaked. It has been 2 weeks now and walking it, there seem to be no grazing from the deer. We do have corn and soybeans one country block away and apples are ripe on the fruit trees through out the area. Throw in a decient acorn crop and I'm hoping it will get tall enough to do em some good later on in the season.

Anyone else ever try Rape seed ?



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Thanks Guys!

Still wondering if anyone has any experiences with the Rape seed as a food plot?


Senior Member
I admit....I try to Rape once a year either by itself or with friends......such as purple top turnips or clover. It's one of my favorite seeds.
Will be interesting to see how the plot pans out for you. I've seen rape listed on bags of brassica type blends before but couldn't tell you what it looked like until I did a google search. Was that something he picked up at a farmer's elevator or something? Take pics if you can of it's progress!!


Junior Member
I've used it growing up at my mom's ranch, I've used every type of whitetail institute seed they offer I think lol but Rape is good Late Season cuz right now it has a bitter taste to it, but as soon as it get hit by a hard frost it turns real sweet and then the deer love it! Sooo, right about time the warbles are falling off, the deer should start putting a hurtin on that plot..looks good tho!


Junior Member
I plant dwarf Essex rape every year. Don't know how they like it but it is sold by all the major food plot blends. You can buy it from feed stores for very low cost. I've bought it before for .95 cents a pound. This year I paid $1.25 a pound. Feed store guy says I'm the only one that buys it so he doesn't order any except for what I want. I planted 20 pounds in a plot this year so we will see