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Bad ending to an outing....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, yesterday went out with a buddy of mine with the two beagles.... We hit three differant spots and didn't jump but one rabbit... Not a good day at all, tracks everywhere but none fresh and kicked a lot of brush piles and didn't jump a single bunny.... To add insult to injury the last place we went to one of the dogs lost the training collar..... So back in the swamp, woods and field to see if we could find it.... 1.5 hours later we gave up.... So now I'm ordering a new collar and reciever from Gander.... Not the day I was looking for lol..... Vent over with.... Hope some of y'all made it out and did a lot better than we did.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow I forgot about that one last year.... yeah nothing that bad.... that seemed like a lifetime ago and it was only a little over a year ago.... trust me after last year this is just a small glitch lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, went out yesterday for an all day hunt and it was an all dayer lol.... First spot spent 3 hours walking and kicking, got 4 there and was heading too another spot close by when a buddy we were with had a twinge in his back and bailed on us so afetr dropping him off we switched gears and went to a differant spot... The spot we lost the collar at... Let me say that there was 4-6 inches of snow on the ground yesterday and the dogs were doing pretty good for all the snow... Well we split up and let the dogs do there thing... I'm following behind one of the friends and he's about 20 steps in front of me... I'm looking all ove the ground for fresh sign but following in Kyle's foot prints.... I'm walking and notice something black sticking out of the snow... I stop bend down and pick it up and what do I see......... A collar with bell and RECIEVER attached!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy $#^% is what comes out of my mouth Kyle turns around (cause whenever you hear that it's automatic) and said what happened and I told him I just hit the friggin lottery lol.... He starts laughing and I'm still stunned at the luck we just had...... Fast fwd to when I take the dogs back to my buddies house who boards them for me I walk in the the single collar in my hand and he looks and the first thing out of his mouth you lost another collar!!!!! And that's when I tell him to look at the color of the strap which took about 5 seconds too sink in when his eyes got big and he said where the F**** did you find that??????? lol..... Well life is good again and we have a third collar for our next purchase lol.... And yes I did play the lottery last night which reminds me I need to check those numbers lol.... Hope all you have a good day as what I had yesterday...... :smiley_clap:
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Senior Member
glad to hear it J! That is pretty lucky. Must be pretty durable to still work!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Dale: Yeah checked them but I guess I used all the luck up on the find lol

Capt: Tritronics, they are a little more expensive but well worth it and customer service is always a phone call away with any help you need.... And American Made....