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Kayak Hunting/ Open Water Hunting


Junior Member
Hello. I am a biology/environmental science student in college and I am new to hunting and especially duck hunting. I have a few questions regarding certain types of waterfowl hunting. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am sorry if this info is available online, I just could not find it anywhere.

I am wondering about the Ladue and the Grand River public hunting areas. I see that the river runs through this area. Is waterfowl hunting allowed to be done within the public hunting land while floating down the river on a kayak? If so are there specific regulations regarding it?

I also have some questions regarding the open waterfowl hunting area at deer creek and walbourn reservoir in alliance. How exactly does that work? Can you just go to any location that it doesn’t say is restricted and hunting waterfowl form the boat? Is there certain rules about driving around and hunting or about being a certain distance away from other hunters?

I might have some more questions as I come up with them but this will help for now.

Thanks a lot!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
First. Welcome to TOO! Secondly, let me share something with you friend. You might think you can handle it, you also might think it was a freak accident. Take if from someone who'se been there done that. It's no way in hell worth the risk. Take a bigger boat like a johnboat and even then always have someone else with you. Cold water kayaking while in cold weather clothing is a recipe for death. Trust me when I say leave the kayak at home when duck hunting.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
First. Welcome to TOO! Secondly, let me share something with you friend. You might think you can handle it, you also might think it was a freak accident. Take if from someone who'se been there done that. It's no way in hell worth the risk. Take a bigger boat like a johnboat and even then always have someone else with you. Cold water kayaking while in cold weather clothing is a recipe for death. Trust me when I say leave the kayak at home when duck hunting.


Definitely read that post and when you're done..... Read it again..... Joe speaks from experience and trust me you don't want the risk..... No duck is worth it....


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Welcome to TOO forum. Seriously if you wish to continue your studies read and heed Joe's life threatening experience in 2014.


Junior Member
Thanks for that info guys. I didn't think about it being that dangerous. I do have access to a larger canoe and a 14ft alumnum boat so those will probably be the best way to go. I don't mind walking either b

So what are the regulations about what I asked about? If I do bring the canoe through public hunting land on the grand or cuyahoga River, are you allowed to waterfowl hunting through there?

And how about to open water at walbourn and deer creek? Is there certain areas you have to stay away from besides where the ODNR map say waterfowl hunting is not allowed?

Does this go for all public land? Can you hunt waterfowl wherever there is public land as long as there is no sign saying you can't?

Sorry about all the questions I am just anxious to get out there but I am also not trying to break any laws

Try calling the District 3 office at 330-644-2293. Last time I hunted Walborn it was hunt where you choose, but that was years ago. Most public areas are open to hunt where you please, some do have drawings for blinds. Most of those that have drawing only allow hunters drawn to hunt in state mandated blinds or areas. Some places also only allow waterfowl hunting until noon on certain days of the week.