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Sad Day For America


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In to regards to what? I think I know but won't be the first to mention the Supreme Court ruling.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yup. Not my place to judge as a Christian. That is between them and God. As an American, I still want it to be "Land of the Free." Start discriminating against them and who is next? I just don't want it to be called "marriage." Call it whatever the heck you want. Marriage is a man and a woman. Give them their own title, give them the same benefits to get on their "spouse's" health insurance and retirement beneficiaries. I can live with this. It seems fair. Just don't freakin' call it marriage!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Such is life. Our government never would've had this problem if they kept their nose out of people lives. It was they who put laws around marriage, gave diferent treatment to married vs single like tax status, required registration, set health insurance laws etc. Religion has no business in politics. A Christian has no more right to prevent with law a gay from getting married, than a Hindi does to forbid by law guns. I do not agree with homosexuality. But I don't have the right to tell them they can't get married either. In reality it's none of my business. Laws based on religious beliefs have no business in today's society. I however do not agree with the Supreme Court forcing states to agree. It's a state issue, not a federal one.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Obama even called the guys in Cincy when they joined together today. Sick.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yup. Not my place to judge as a Christian. That is between them and God. As an American, I still want it to be "Land of the Free." Start discriminating against them and who is next? I just don't want it to be called "marriage." Call it whatever the heck you want. Marriage is a man and a woman. Give them their own title, give them the same benefits to get on their "spouse's" health insurance and retirement beneficiaries. I can live with this. It seems fair. Just don't freakin' call it marriage!

Married is just a term used to describe a relationship status. Gender doesn't really have a bearing on it. Single, engaged, married, divorced. If the government never put in laws or benefits around marriage then non-Christian people would never do it. I don't see a huge national debate over non-Christians demanding to be baptized. There's no tax status or societal benefit to baptized vs unbaptized. While it is true that "marriage" has its roots in religion, that ended the moment out government put laws and benefits to accompany it. If it was a religious practice it would have to be performed strictly by a religious person. Last I checked you can't go down to the courthouse and get baptized. Lol. It's no longer a religious practice but an economic one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You guys surprise me a bit with your views. Interracial and gay lesbian marriages are taboo in the Bible I read. Everyone has their own opinion, so be it. The decision today just represents how far we will go to make every body happy.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with it. Not my place to judge. It is not right, but they can do as they wish so long as I don't have to hear about it. Sadly, the media is cramming it down our throats. They make it out to be the "cool thing to do" and I disagree with it. I don't want my kids believing this an acceptable norm. It is unacceptable. I just don't think it is my place to tell them they are wrong anymore than it is someone's place to tell me shooting deer is wrong. We will all do as we wish. One might not agree with my deer hunting but they better not tell me I can't do it because they dislike it. I won't tell them they can't be butt pirates just because I dislike their lifestyle.


Staff member
Such is life. Our government never would've had this problem if they kept their nose out of people lives. It was they who put laws around marriage, gave diferent treatment to married vs single like tax status, required registration, set health insurance laws etc. Religion has no business in politics. A Christian has no more right to prevent with law a gay from getting married, than a Hindi does to forbid by law guns. I do not agree with homosexuality. But I don't have the right to tell them they can't get married either. In reality it's none of my business. Laws based on religious beliefs have no business in today's society. I however do not agree with the Supreme Court forcing states to agree. It's a state issue, not a federal one.
Amen dude.

I have too much respect for most of you to get into this, so I'll drop out now.


Senior Member
well said, Joe. besides, the Constitution is still the law of the land in the United States of America, not the bible. this really should be a state level issue, not one for the federal government, anyway. I'm betting that to an Atheist or a Buddhist self-righteous Christians are just as annoying as the queers. I'm not implying that anyone posting here is a self-righteous Christian, btw. just sayin'.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't know what makes other people happy. That is up to them. I only know what makes me happy and that is up to me. It's not my place to judge, but if they force religious institutions to perform same sex marriages, I'll have serious issues with that.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
All this is bullspit, gay marriage, Obamacare, confederate flag, etc. while we're paying attention to this the country is circling the drain.
Since when is it the supreme courts job to create laws. This is a state issue and has been voted down time and time again. This just pisses me off to no end that the Supreme Court decided to use a play out of Obamas book and make it law. They totally ignore the constitution and cram this crap down our throats along with a variety of other things. It is not up to me to judge but I DO NOT agree! I you believe in the teachings of the bible it is wrong. We are not allowed to disagree with Muslims, blacks, or homos but if you are white, Christian, or hedero you are fair game. I don't care what others do as long as they don't force it on me. My biggest bitch is the government taking it upon themselves to force shit down our throats. Our country is headed for dark times Toozers and I'm afraid this is only the beginning.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Never mind what the majority of Ohio wants, force it on the entire country. That's what bothers me most.

Also, if two dudes get married, who makes the sandwich?


*Supporting Member*
I've seen many times the word "marriage" being used in a sacred way. I've also seen it used to define the union of two companies, the union of two laws, the union of two kinds of wood in a bow limb. In all the latter examples, I've never seen people protest the usage of the word and get their panties all in a wad. I also have seen the sacred marriage between a man and a woman be abused to no end for my whole time on this earth. To actually keep things in perspective, ask yourself why there are so many broken homes, divorce courts, and attorneys in our beloved USA? It's not because of gay marriage, I can tell you that much. I think it's time people get off their moral high horse and realize that heterosexuals have tarnished that word beyond recognition.

I am saying for the record that I completely support gay marriage and if you don't like it you can ignore me. There is that feature on this site.
Lumber head the scotus didn't make any laws they just deemed laws against gay marriage unconstitutional. scotus has deemed many antigun laws unconstitutional like the DC handgun ban. Marriage should have never been government controlled. Like Joe said since it is government controlled and has tax breaks ect attached to it. That makes it discriminatory and unconstitutional. The government took it upon themselves to put their nose in it. Now the government has to extend those rights to everyone. The way I see it there are two types of marriages civil ones and religious ones. If I was a non religious person and got married at a court house that marriage is no more recognized by a church than a gay marriage. Simply because a civil marriage is not an agreement between husband wife and god.
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*Supporting Member*
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't know what makes other people happy. That is up to them. I only know what makes me happy and that is up to me. It's not my place to judge, but if they force religious institutions to perform same sex marriages, I'll have serious issues with that.

How about if they start forcing religious institutions to start paying some damn taxes? I'm all for that as I don't believe in god or organized religion.
I have not a problem with gays, they are free and can do as they wish. They are allowed their opinions as am I . They preach tolerance and equality and get yanked off when people disagree. Like I said I have no problem nor do I wish anything bad for them, but I to am an American and have the right (for now) to disagree and that don't make me or anyone else who disagrees some kind of monster.