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Dad back in hospital, could use prayers


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
With it finally drying out a bit, I am working day and night. Got to bed around 1230 last night and mom called around 230-300am. The squad was taking my Dad into the hospital with tightness in his chest, chest pains, shortness of breath. Bad news: He has been home recooperating from knee surgery he had last Thursday, and now he has this to contend with. Good news: all his heart tests have come back negative. Bad news: He had a quadruple by-pass 9yrs ago and has had a couple stents put in since. Both times his tests came back with negative results in regards to heart tests. Good news: Negative tests means he has NOT had a heart attack and he is listening to any signs and symptoms his body has given him and gotten them checked out. Tomorrow he goes in for a heart cath at 2pm.

Any thoughts and prayers would be appreciated. Mom has my aunt (Dad's sister) joining her at the hospital. She said don't worry if I can't make it. She knows how slammed I am. We are short 3 people the next 2 days. My phone will be on and I am driving separate from my guys. Going to make every effort to get there. My siblings aren't going to be there. Brother leaves for vacation in the morning. Sister leaves first of the week. My family is supposed to leave Saturday. If Dad or Mom need me. . . I am handing my wife a wad of cash and telling her and the kids to have fun without me.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Wish the best for your dad. Keep him in my thoughts. He seemed like a really nice guy when I met him.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thank you all. Some great words there. Jesse nailed it when he used the word "heroes". Dad is a rock in our family. Tough to see him like this.

Those mentioning listening to the warning signs and getting it checked: Spot on! If you or anyone you know has symptoms of heart issues, GO get them checked out! Dad is President of the local Mended Hearts chapter. He volunteers at the hospital regularly in addition to making rounds with Mended Hearts talking to heart patients before and after heart surgeries. He knows what to do. We are thankful for this.