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Food and the TOO shoot...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I am leaving on vacation for a bit and my cell/Internet service is going to be spotty at best. I want you guys to start talking about what and how much I am cooking.

I don't have to do big cooks but I am more than happy TOO. I will need some funds if you guys decide to go big. I can cook ribs, chicken, pulled pork, ribs, brisket, beef ribs, whatever. A mixture or cooks multiple days is cool also.

I would figure a minimum of one pound per person eating for the big cuts (brisket and pulled pork) because it cooks down to only 1/2 pound per person. Ribs would be a half rack per person.

- Briskets run around 15-18 lbs each
- Pork butts are usually 8ish pounds
- Spare ribs (my preference) run about 5 pounds
- baby backs 2-3 pounds a rack

These are all precooked weights. Expect 50% or more loss between trimming and cooking.

If we all decide to chip in, we could have a pretty good cook and meal on the cheap.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Is it easier if I just give you like $50 and ask you to feed me for the weekend? rotflmao
I don't get to experience shit like this very often, so Im going to be taking full advantage of it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
$50 is steep. Lol. If we get a decent count and know what we want it could be just $5 per meat per guy.

Especially when others will be cooking and sharing also. We eat like kings at these things.

My colon and lungs are already pissed.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Ok so $5 for food and $45 for you to feed it to me LOL. Either way Ill definitely be chipping in. Ill even give you a hand with the smoker if you need.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't cook. It will be last minute before I know if I can make it. I am more than willing to drop in my share of funds and just take table scraps. I will bring stuff for S'mores. I here these TOO outings are like Boy Scout conventions. Smores are a must at those. lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
While I am gone if you guys could figure up how much you want of any kind of meat that would be great.

When I get back I can see how many briskets, ribs, whatever that we need to buy and give a total.