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What would TOO(you) do?


Senior Member
Ive been planning on getting a lab pup for the past couple weeks and finally found a litter I wanted that had a great pedigree. Well the litter was born on wednesday and I almost didn't get a chocolate boy, he was the last to pop out 9hrs later. Anywho I get a text from the breeder at 3:30am last night saying "call me ASAP, doesn't matter what time". Well the last boy was 14.8oz at birth then dropped to 13 then back up to 15 last night and he woke up to let him feed alone and came back and the pup was off the momma and somehow got away from her and all lethargic and pruney looking. He rushed it to the hospital 30miles away and they took him in. The pups temp was around 92... he got an update this AM and the little man is doing a helluva lot better, temp at 97 and he is looking good. The pup has a good sugar level so he's retaining nutrition but not 100% outta the woods yet. The breeder is all shook up which I understand and also because he doesn't want me to not get a pup.

So this is where I'm turning to you guys.... he said he would give up his #1 pick for a choc girl if the pup doesn't make it. There's a yellow boy(a dudley) left but I have my heart set on a chocolate... Would you take his pick? I'd feel weird doing so.

I'm an overthinker and I know I'm probably jumping the gun since the boy is doing better but just wanted your guys's opinion.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Not too sound cold or unfeeling but as of now you have nothing vested and if you don't get what you want why settle.... There will be other litters....

I lean toward female dogs as I've had less than stellar male dogs.... Not saying that they don't perform just my experience with them ( beagles) we've had a female yellow lab and after the two year mark she was a great dog....


Senior Member
Well I'm 100% okay with a boy or girl, it's just the fact if this boy doesn't make it then my only option is to take his offer of taking his puppy pick leaving him without a pup. I dunno how I feel about taking his pup but I guess it's business to him and he's gotta pay for these vet bills now.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
He offered it, if he wasn't ok with it I'd of thought he'd of given you a rain check.... Just don't want too talk you out of or into something you might regret down the road....
Hopefully it was just a matter of the pup getting too far from momma and for a little too long. With labs we have only had males and both were great dogs. Other dogs over the years were mostly females, just not labs. They can be more docile and calmer, well other than our GSD female LOL. All in what you want. If you have your heart set on chocolate, don't change it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just my opinion from experience. But runts and pups that had it hard usually turn out to be stellar dogs. Two of the best dogs I've ever hunted behind were either runts or struggled as pups. I'm not sure why, but it seems like it puts the fire of life in them. I've also had purebred registered dogs, half breed dogs, and straight up mutts. I'll take a dog with some cross in him over a dog with papers any day. In my observation a cross dog more often than not seems tougher and isn't as prone to health issues.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If your pup doesn't make it why not just get a refund and find another litter, instead of taking his pick?

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. My lab Betty, now 2 yrs 3 months old, was the last born from her litter and almost didn't make it through the night also. Lethargic, irregular heart beat, etc... She was rushed to the vet that night and made a full recovery. Today you'd never guess that ever happened. She's as happy and healthy as a dog could possibly be. My guess is the pup you've picked will be just fine.
I never pick dogs on colors or markings. Yellow black chocolate or red english are just coat colors. I pick pups on health personality temperament energy levels and interest to work (prey and food drive). That is hard to do when the pups are couple days old. Im not saying this is a bad breeder. I just dont like how she has clients select pups. I much prefer when breeders use a deposit system to determine who has the first pick on down at 6 to 7 weeks of age. Then you pick your pup up at 9 to 10 weeks of age.

In your current situation id take the yellow female or walk away. I have a preference toward female dogs. I have a puppy selection chart from a book on working and hunting dogs. It has worked out well in picking my last two dogs and dogs for other people. Id be happy to scan and email it to you.


*Supporting Member*
Pups can lose weight when they are first born, especially when it was born 9 hours later. By then, most of the other pups have figured out how to suck and will keep that younger pup off a tit, who hasn't got its sucking skills down yet.

Being chilled kills a pup, but as long as it is warmed up, they bounce right back UNLESS momma is pushing it away. Then there is probably a problem. It could still be hand raised (and warmed) easily, but if momma keeps pushing it away, I'd want that pup thoroughly checked by a vet (when its older) to make sure it is healthy.

Colors are a personal preference, but do not determine anything about the dog's personality or drive. Personalities don't even start to emerge under 4 weeks of age.


Senior Member
Id be happy to scan and email it to you.

I'll PM you, thanks! And they do deposits for the pups but I have 3rd pick male chocolate and there's only 3 chocolate boys so if this guy doesn't make it my only choices would be the yellow male or his chocolate female.

I have faith this little man will pull thru and I'm not worried about him being a runt. Like you Joe my best lab was a runt, she had to be constantly watched by the breeder because she was so little and was getting bumped around. She's the hands down best dog we've ever had.

THanks guys! I really appreciate the responses.


Senior Member
Just got a call from the breeder, he didn't make it... I think I'm gonna take the female but he said he's gonna reach out to ppl and research to see if he can find another chocolate male


Staff member
I'd get what you want. I'm waiting right now for what I want and it'll be worth it I'm sure. Don't just take a dog to take a dog. Make sure you get the right one for you.


Senior Member
Yeah I originally wanted a female but I was 4th pick for a female and therefore wasn't guaranteed one so I told him I'll just pick a male. I've always had females growing up. The only thing I was gung ho with a boy about was I wanted to name him Boomer lol

And if I go a girl I'll get first pick whereas with the boy I get whichever one is left cuZ I had last pic. So at least I could chose my own dog.