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Is it just me?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Or Is Dicks Avatar Just Simply Awesome ????? Knowing the story behind that deer and his determination, just makes that pic worth 2 million words. Congrats Again Dick on such a Great Buck! I believe I'm as proud of him as you are. :smiley_clap:
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am confused because I am still sort of new? Where can I find the thread to read the story?

Well worth the time. Many many many great stories on here. Hortontoter (his name is Dick) works his butt off to hunt. Has some limitations due to his health and I believe polio as a child? (I could be off a bit on the details but think this is accurate.) Absolute feel good story. Great buck for a great guy on TOO.

Since you are relatively new, please do yourself a favor and ignore the "Christmas Tree buck" thread. Threads gone astray like this one are not the normal and I am sure the Admin will take care of things at the request of the members. We are a big family here. It has been called "a virtual campfire" many times and truly feels this way. Unfortunately, we get an occasional ember which needs to be extinguished.

There are many more positive stories and good advice on this site than there are squabbles and drama filled moments. Someone should dig up a list of TOO "Feel Good" stories.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I agree Phil. Not meaning anything less for anyone else on here. Am equally proud of most all here. There is always that ONE that just keeps "sparkling" at you and this is one of those for me.


Senior Member
Yep one helluva story there! I've always like his quote "all dressed up and nowhere to go" I think that was it, sorry if i butchered it dick.
I must say this post caught me by surprise. Makes a guy feel very good to know fellas of your caliber think so highly of what I accomplished. But, a lot of guys on this forum took some great bucks in the past few seasons.

You are correct Phil (I hope I got the name correct) I did have polio when I was 22 months old. It left me with no use of my right arm and my right leg is about half the diameter of my left leg. Just one of those things I had to deal with, but never really slowed me down.

I did change my signature line teej. Xbowguy made a statement on here in late October or early November that stuck in my mind like super glue. It actually gave me renewed hope to get the deer I was after. I stole those lines for my new signature line.

Once again it was great to have you guys behind me at all times on this 3 1/2 year quest. Hope everybody enjoyed my posts and photos.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
An awesome story indeed. A good man putting his target deer down after a 3-4 year history with him is TOO cool. Congrats to Dick for getting it done.

Ditto, and I agree with it being the most favorite hunting story of the TOO family this year! There were a lot of great ones but this one was special!

Great job Dick!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There are definitely a ton of great stories. Like xbow Rick said, nothing against any of the others. This one shines pretty bright. Tons of first bucks taken with bow this year. Joel, Huntn2, many others as well. Those are great stories and I always root for those guys. Same goes for any youth hunter. Doe or buck, a first deer for a youth or an adult is awesome. HT's story keeps bringing a smile to my face as well though. Given his drive to get it done, the smaller property than many on here have to work with, the multi year quest for it. . . Just plain awesome!